The today's front page of our student paper shows a large color photo of a
person's mouth full of different color gum balls with a title "Dental
association certifies Wrigley gums as beneficial".  Apparently, on September
25th, the American Dental Association awarded its Seal of Acceptance to
Wrigley sugarfree chewing gums, because as they wrote on their website "are
clinically shown to help prevent cavities, reduce plaque acid and strengthen
teeth." The other products that have been awarded the ADA Seal of Acceptance
are toothbrushes, toothpastes, dental floss, and mouth rinses."
Any chance of convincing ADA that eating apples also does the same thing and
even better.  Unlike gums that have food colorants, preservatives, salts,
etc., apples have antioxidants and fibers that have been proven to provide
better health.  Here is an article that we can share with ADA if we can get
them to listen.  
[Reduction of dental plaque by apples and chewing gum by [
nel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus> Schneider HG,
nel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus> Knieknecht I. With aid of Plaque-Index
(Quigley-Hein) the reduction of dental plaque was observed on 100 children
per group: Tooth brushing for 2 min (first control group), Tooth brushing
for 2 min combined with individual instruction and control of procedure
(second control group), Eating an apple, Masticating chewing gum for 1 h.
The following average reduction of dental plaque was find out: Group 1--0.42
grade of index (14.9%); group 2--1.00 (35.0%); group 3--0.47 (15.9%); group
4--0.28 (9.7%).
Mosbah M. Kushad, University of Illinois

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