Re: how to get the temp file name

2006-09-12 Thread Brian McQueen
That does work, but it won't get me where I need to be. The problem is that the spoolfile isn't set after a parsing error - there is no brigade in param-upload upon a bad parse. I did find a simple way to get a filter in there: apreq_hook_t * my_hook_handle = apreq_hook_make(req-pool,

Setting new POST_MAX or MAX_BODY

2006-09-12 Thread Boysenberry Payne
I'm trying to raise my post maximum and keep getting this error:[error] [client] (20014)Internal error: Content-Length header (959543540) exceeds configured max_body limit (67108864)How do I set max body higher?  So far I have:sub handler { my $r = shift; my $req = Apache2::Request-new(