Hello All,

I recently upgraded to the following (on a rhel3 box mason2.2):

Everything has been running fine on my linux dev box (using firefox 1.5). 
However, when I switch over to my windows box and use internet explorer, I 
can't get any cookie info.

Here is a simple test which shows the problem (where $r below is an 
Apache2::RequestRec object):


my $jar = Apache2::Cookie::Jar->new($r);
$m->out("Jar Status: ". $jar->status() ."<br>");


In Firefox 1.5 (linux/windows), this prints: "Jar Status: Success"
In IE 6.0.28 (windows), I am getting: "Jar Status: Missing input data"

This functionally translates into an inability (only when using IE) to 
retrieve/set cookies, and thus brings my site to a grinding halt! I do not 
understand how

At this point, I want to install a reliably stable, non-dev version of 
libapreq2 so that I be sure the problem is not something with a Apache2::Cookie 
stuff. Or, better yet, if you have *any* ideas where I have gone wrong (missing 
module, perhaps an entry missing from my httpd.conf), I would really, really 
appreciate any suggestions.



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