arachne-digest        Thursday, April 20 2000        Volume 01 : Number 1091


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 11:13:01 +0000
From: "Edenyard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DNS Numbers - or not?

Dear listers,

   Can someone help shed light on this one? I well know that Arachne
needs to have two DNS numbers specified in the dial-up set-up page. All
the ISPs that I've tried so far have given two such numbers and
everything seems to have worked. I saw an outfit called Onetel offering
good rates, so I found their web pages and studied. There was a settings
page (useful, since - of course - they only seem to have heard of
windoze browsers) and the page seemed to have everything we need to set
up Arachne, except DNS numbers. I sent a message to 'support@...' and
fairly promptly got a reply back stating the primary and secondary DNS
numbers. BUT... on the next line, the respondent said something like,
'Try not to use these unless absolutely necessary, since they may change
due to upgrading the network'. (I might not have got that word-perfect,
but you get the idea!)

   So my question is: If you DON'T use DNS numbers, how does the browser
work? Does everyone on this list put numbers in the DNS slots on the
set-up form like I always have, or have I exposed yet another facet
of my ignorance??

   Thanks for any help!




Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 22:49:32 +0200 (CEST)
From: Cliff Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Don't Windows Me!

On Mon, 17 Apr 2000 some message from Samuel W. Heywood appeared before me...

>As a result of the recent Micro$oft anti-trust suit, I came to understand
>that it is a violation of the laws governing fair competitive practices
>for one to intentionally program an operating system for the express purpose
>of making it incompatible with a competitor's software.  I don't know how
>they can get away with this.

Hummzz, most people don't look at this as Windows 2000 is NOT an upgrade
voor Windows 98 (which does do DOS ;)) But an upgrade for Windows NT. The
Windows 98 (cq DOS) line is slightly going to disappear with the last
windows cq dos release called Windows Millenium. Microsoft doesn't have to
provide DOS in Windows 2000 because it's an entirely other operating
system.. Like Linux vs Dos it's here Windows 2000 vs Windows 98 ... Get
the point ?

- -- 
Cliff Albert            | IRCNet:    #wan99,, #ne2000, #cafeetje
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | UnderNet:  #groningen     ICQ: 18461740


Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 22:57:26 +0200 (CEST)
From: Cliff Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: re:  Memory Allocation Error

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000 some message from Bernie appeared before me saying,

>IMO this *must* be wrong, with the * you specify "the rest" - and specifing
>it twice can't be correct since you can only have one "the rest". I can't
>understand what they are therefor anyway since there's nothing (useful) in
>the frames at all.

Maybe if you use multiple *, the total rest space will be divided among
the number of *'s ? It's just a theory, but what if it should work like
this, let's go take a look at my O'Reilly books about HTML.. <tralalal
taking a peek in my books> Jups.. my O'Reilly book says the same (all
information in their is based on W3C's HTML/4.0 specs)

- -- 
Cliff Albert            | IRCNet:    #wan99,, #ne2000, #cafeetje
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | UnderNet:  #groningen     ICQ: 18461740


Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 22:53:31 +0200 (CEST)
From: Cliff Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: seeking for latest Arachne version

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000 some message from Justin Laslo appeared before me saying,

>Sorry for disturbing You. I recently downloaded Arachne from Arachne
>official homepage via e-mail and directly from download page. Both of
>them were versions 1.60. I don't know if I could not download it correctly, 
>or what the problem was. I need the 1.61 version. As I saw, some people
>use this version. How is it possible to come to the latest version? Or is
>the acces for this version not public? 

You can download it from or it's also available
from using FTP in the directory /pub/arachne

- -- 
Cliff Albert            | IRCNet:    #wan99,, #ne2000, #cafeetje
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | UnderNet:  #groningen     ICQ: 18461740


Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 22:52:29 +0200 (CEST)
From: Cliff Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Don't Windows Me!

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000 some message from Bernie appeared before me saying,

>All the above is correct. But you have forgotten to mention "Windows
>Millenium". This is the latest beta in the Windows 94 series (95, 98 and
>now Millenium). This one is not based on OS/2 (as NT is) and can run DOS
>programs AFAIK just as good (or IMO bad) as Windows 9x.

Jups i forgot about it. Dumped it into my first reply on the first reply
on my original reply. Gosh, all these replies everywhere getting me
confused ;)

>2000 isn't meant for home users (except if you want less crashes),
>Millenium is made for users that want more features, bugs and crashes and
>the ability to run most (probably not all since 98 couldn't run all the
>things that ran i 95) of the programs that run in 9x.

It's more for the office use.. It's a little bit more stable as the memory
management is a little bit better. But why are we discussing windows over
here, i thought this was a mailinglist about Arachne *grin*

- -- 
Cliff Albert            | IRCNet:    #wan99,, #ne2000, #cafeetje
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | UnderNet:  #groningen     ICQ: 18461740


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 16:46:33 +0200 (CEST)
From: Cliff Albert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DNS Numbers - or not?

On Wed, 19 Apr 2000 some message from Edenyard appeared before me saying,

>   So my question is: If you DON'T use DNS numbers, how does the browser
>work? Does everyone on this list put numbers in the DNS slots on the
>set-up form like I always have, or have I exposed yet another facet
>of my ignorance??

If you DON't enter DNS numbers and aren't using BOOTP you can surf the web
but have to use IPs to surf it !... It's possible that a BOOTP server on
the network can give you a DNS Server but that's not always available. So
just put in some DNS servers over there.

- -- 
Cliff Albert            | IRCNet:    #wan99,, #ne2000, #cafeetje
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | UnderNet:  #groningen     ICQ: 18461740


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 14:11:09 EDT
Subject: Re: PPP Driver

Dear List:

        Once again, I sympathize with this concern.  It took me hours to
come up with the correct config.  Maybe I'm not a genius or should
read better before I did the install--but this is only human to be a
enthusiastic about the software.


Thomas/Tom also known as user of ARACHNE

Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 14:11:09 EDT
Subject: Re: PPP Driver

Dear List:

        Yes, I had similar problem with my setup here.  I had a good 48
hours trying to get it online and succeeded with Bootp protocol for the
packet driver.  Unfortunately, be careful not to get
too click-happy as I did and wind up clicking on something in Czech or
you will have to start over
with Setup.  Back to the drawing boards.  I got my ISP, now I have to go
back and work with the
Arachne.bat and Arachne.cfg manually perhaps to fix the problem.  I used
the PPP wizard and to
my surprise!---it gave a message saying that it detected no modem!  So be
careful.  I guess one
way would be to rename setup.bat setup.bak, for starts, to keep this from
happening again.

Yours as ever,

Tom Tabler/ not feeling to good after losing internet connection...

Juno now offers FREE Internet Access!
Try it today - there's no risk!  For your FREE software, visit:


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 14:03:26 -0500
From: Clarence Verge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Area 51

Roger Turk wrote:
> I have tried since early this morning and never was able to log on.  This
> morning, it took a long while before the "cannot open" message came on, but
> starting about noon, the message came on immediately.  Do you think that ....
> No, no one would want to make the site inaccessible.

Hi Roger;
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get us.

If you saw Xtra last nite, you know they have reported a traffic 
overload at that site. Who is doing the overloading is a task for
Mully and Sculder to investigate.

Anyway, the pictures were on Xtra, and not particularly revealing.

- -  Clarence Verge
- --
- -  Help stamp out FATWARE.  As a start visit:
- --


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 14:31:19 -0400
From: "L.D. Best" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Just me? Ignored graphics

1.61 has been doing something I've not experienced with any other

Graphics download -- you can watch the count spin up.

But all you get is a red box.

Plenty of conv mem
Plenty of xSwap
But Arachne refuses to convert the jpg to bmp, so you have no graphics.

Attempts to download into on screen [right click] gives the same

Just me?  You, too?


- --
- -- Arachne V1.61, NON-COMMERCIAL copy,


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 17:55:35 
From: "Dale Mentzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Just me? Ignored graphics

On 19 Apr 00 at 14:31, L.D. Best wrote:

>>1.61 has been doing something I've not experienced with any other
>>Graphics download -- you can watch the count spin up.
>>But all you get is a red box.
>>Plenty of conv mem
>>Plenty of xSwap
>>But Arachne refuses to convert the jpg to bmp, so you have no graphics.
>>Attempts to download into on screen [right click] gives the same
>>Just me?  You, too?

Yes, me too, L.D. I think this was mentioned once some time ago and 
IIRC this can be caused by grapics that are labeled filename.jpg, but 
are in fact GIF's or some other format. I think the JPG converter 
relies on the filename to identify the format. I hope I am right 
about this and I am sure someone will correct my misinformation if 
indeed it is such.

Dale Mentzer

Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.

    This mail written by a user of Arachne, the DOS Internet Client
                WWWWW World Wide Web Without Windows    
 Arachne DOS Browser Home Page        


Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 20:18:31 -0500
From: "Glenn McCorkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Memory Alloc. Error

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000 17:40:52 -0800, Gregory J. Feig wrote:

> ...soooo....Glenn...why do you think that that "little space" didn't make
> my 1.60b1 crash....I mean, it didn't even make it flinch, even a little
> bit....????
> ....I don't think this is OT, since we are (at least I  HOPE we are)
> dedicated to making Arachne run smoother for the newbies (me included)
> and improving our own installations....if my setup inadvertently has
> something "right" about it that doesn't happen in "your installation",
> then I want to know what it I can "advertently <g>" make it
> happen all the time...I mean, sure I complain that I can't ever get my
> Arachne to blitz like you guys can, but, I'd just a soon leave it that
> way.....<gggggggggg>

 Try this test please.
Link to
If you have images turned off, press the insert key to load them.

See if Arachne crashes.
If itr doesn't. We'll need to compare our setups to see why it crashes
for me (and several others), but not for you.

Then visit
(that's the miss-typed URL I had in my previous message)
You'll be redirected to

BTW, I found the video-gone-crazy problem at that site.
(seems to be video card dependent.... some users have problems, some don't)

This is the line in the frameset page that's
causing it.

<frameset rows="0,277" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
(_______________^_____ a frame of zero size does it)[illegal usage]???

 So, for now the work-around at sites that go crazy is to load the
frameset page with frames turned off. After editing and saving the
corrected frameset, turn frames on and go back to that page again.
I just visited after changing 0 to 10 and all works fine.

- --
Glenn McCorkle [EMAIL PROTECTED] North Jackson, Ohio, USA
DOS prog. for QV cameras
Other stuff http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
            Arachne, The Web Browser for DOS
   Open the 'DOOR' to the WWW. Keep the 'windows' closed.


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 10:36:41 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Bernie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: re:  Memory Allocation Error

Cliff Albert wrote:
>Maybe if you use multiple *, the total rest space will be divided among
>the number of *'s ? It's just a theory, but what if it should work like
>this, let's go take a look at my O'Reilly books about HTML.. <tralalal
>taking a peek in my books> Jups.. my O'Reilly book says the same (all
>information in their is based on W3C's HTML/4.0 specs)

Ok (but this was news to me), is there any lower limit on the size? As it
is now a 640*480 screen will not have enough room for these two frames - so
perhaps that's the problem?
//Bernie DOS programs, Star Wars ...


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 10:36:39 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Bernie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Multi-boots

Gregy wrote:
>....OMH the old IBM Boot Manager is the ONLY way to go...<not humble,
>me,,,,) is available in any OS2 dist., in some of the linux 
>distributions, on the PartitionMagic dist., etc...
>...but, then, maybe you folks only want to dual-boot, instead of "multi-

What we (or atleast I) was refering to is the abillity to load diffrent
parts of autoexec.bat and config.sys when booting DOS (instead of rewriting
them each time).
I haven't used BootManager myself yet (I do have OS/2) but LILO seems to
work fine (although I prefer the BIOS and diffrent HDs for safety reasons
since I've got win95).
//Bernie DOS programs, Star Wars ...


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 10:36:40 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Bernie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: re:  Don't Windows....(was Don't Windows Me.!)

>....BTW....Bernie....I resent your slander of poor OS2...<ggg>

I think you have missunderstood what I said (or I missunderstood you). I
think OS/2 is a very good OS (ok I've only tried Warp but it was very
good). If I could choose it would be the only OS except DOS that I ran,
sadly however I don't have it installed right now (HD space and not enough
time to even beging configuring) and need Windows95 (for Star Wars games)
and Linux (for school work if I ever start doing them at home <g>).

>...NT is
>NOT based upon OS2, well, maybe VERY loosely....NT and OS2 diverged
>at OS2 1.3, and NT went Blowzeware, while OS2 went a more sensible
>route...except it was still private IBM stuff, and subject to the whims
>of their marketing nitheads...

One of the latest books in the university library is regarding Microsofts
new OS - OS/2 ;-) I wonder who screwed up...
But I don't agree with you, NT is very much like OS/2 and Microsoft are
tying to make people switch from OS/2 to NT (as they now are doing to get
people away from DOS). For instance I don't know about 2000 but in 4 you
could still get a HPFS (OS/2s filesystem) addon so you could read/write
HPFS partitions.

>....everything indicates that WIN is becoming a dead end, and it seems
>as if even Billy G. and Stevie B. realize this....<gggggggggggg>

We can always hope...
//Bernie DOS programs, Star Wars ...


Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 12:04:02 +0100
From: "Peter Lusty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PPP Driver

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

- ------=_NextPart_001_0055_01BFAAC0.84E66E40
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Thanks for the replies.  As suggested I am attaching arcachne.cfg and =
386pc.acf - is my understanding correct that the acf is the actual =
config file?  I would be grateful if someone could look at this and tell =
what to change.


High Wycombe

- ------=_NextPart_001_0055_01BFAAC0.84E66E40
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Thanks for the replies.&nbsp; As suggested I am =
arcachne.cfg and 386pc.acf - is my understanding correct that the acf is =
actual config file?&nbsp; I would be grateful if someone could look at =
this and=20
tell what to change.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Regards</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>Pete</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT size=3D2>High Wycombe</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>

- ------=_NextPart_001_0055_01BFAAC0.84E66E40--

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;This is ARACHNE.CFG for Arachne version 1.4+
;If you want to use Arachne on PC with CPU 486+ you should start here.
;(tested on AMD K5/133)
;This configuration file can be completely controled from Arachne setup.
;Run "setup" if you are not sure what to change in configuration file.

Profile 386PC.ACF
Connection READY
Hangup 0x60>NUL

;Connection @cmd    ... command cmd will estabilish connection
;Connection READY   ... connection is permanent, packet driver in =
;Connection NUL     ... do not start TCP/IP (run "arachne -c" to force =

DialPage file:ppp_init.htm
TerminalWindow @MINITERM.EXE
UseTerminal Yes
Port 2
Irq 3
Base 0x2e8
Mode 8N1
Speed 9600
InitString ATZ
DialString ATDT
PhoneNumber 0845 0796699
Autologin No
WaitFor1 -
Response1 -
WaitFor2 -
Response2 -
WaitFor3 -
Response3 -
WaitFor4 -
Response4 -

;Base values: Default|0x??? (eg. 0x3e8)
;Mode values: databits/parity/stopbits (eg. 8N1)

IP_Address BOOTP
IP_Grab IP address set to

;IP_Address n.n.n.n  ... fixed IP address
;IP_Address PPP      ... for PPP.EXE and PPPD.EXE (get address from =
;IP_Address BOOTP    ... WatTcp attepmts to use BOOTP protocol
;IP_Address %enviro% ... Minuet style (enviroment variable, like %MYIP%)
;IP_Address WATTCP   ... use ONLY values from TCPconfig (variable =
;IP_Grab string      ... prefix of IP address in PPP.LOG ("IP address =
set to")
;TCPconfig filename  ... name of WatTcp configuration file (often =

POP3username user
POP3password xxxx
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Organization Arachne Fan Club
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ShiftF3 file:*.*
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ShiftF10 file://readmail.dgi
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Index *.htm
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;Colors values are <ink 0..15> <paper 0..15>

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Cookies Yes
HTTPreferer Yes
;FakeFTPeMail user@domain

IRCchannel #arachne
IRCnick arachne_user

- ------=_NextPart_000_0054_01BFAAC0.84E66E40
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

;This is ARACHNE.CFG for Arachne version 1.4+
;If you want to use Arachne on PC with CPU 486+ you should start here.
;(tested on AMD K5/133)
;This configuration file can be completely controled from Arachne setup.
;Run "setup" if you are not sure what to change in configuration file.

Connection NUL
Hangup NUL

;Connection @cmd    ... command cmd will estabilish connection
;Connection READY   ... connection is permanent, packet driver in =
;Connection NUL     ... do not start TCP/IP (run "arachne -c" to force =

DialPage file:setup.htm
TerminalWindow @MINITERM.EXE
UseTerminal No
Port 3
Irq 4
Base Default
Mode 8N1
Speed 19200
InitString ATZ
DialString ATDT
PhoneNumber 00000000
Autologin No
WaitFor1 -
Response1 -
WaitFor2 -
Response2 -
WaitFor3 -
Response3 -
WaitFor4 -
Response4 -
PPPusername user
PPPpassword xxxxxx

;Base values: Default|0x??? (eg. 0x3e8)
;Mode values: databits/parity/stopbits (eg. 8N1)

IP_Address PPP
IP_Grab IP address set to

;IP_Address n.n.n.n  ... fixed IP address
;IP_Address PPP      ... for PPP.EXE and PPPD.EXE (get address from =
;IP_Address BOOTP    ... WatTcp attepmts to use BOOTP protocol
;IP_Address %enviro% ... Minuet style (enviroment variable, like %MYIP%)
;IP_Address WATTCP   ... use ONLY values from TCPconfig (variable =
;IP_Grab string      ... prefix of IP address in PPP.LOG ("IP address =
set to")
;TCPconfig filename  ... name of WatTcp configuration file (often =

POP3username user
POP3password xxxx
KeepOnServer No
PersonalName Arachne User
Organization Arachne Fan Club
TimeZone +0000
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MailEncoding MIME
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;AfterPOP3 smtp:
;AfterSMTP file:mail.htm
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ShiftF2 file://oops\*.*
ShiftF3 file:*.*
ShiftF4 file://examples\newfile.htm
ShiftF10 file://readmail.dgi
AltTab No
EditHotlistEntry Yes
Autodial No
UseCDescr No
AltSysFont 0
Index *.htm
FontShift 0
Multitasking Yes
XMS4allGIFs 2048
XMS4oneGIF 1040000

;ScrollBarStyle values: NextStep|Windows|Arachne|X
;BgColor,Text,Link values: #RRGGBB (hexadecimal values of red, green and =
;VirtualScreen value: vertical number of pixels, 0 disables virtual =
;ScreenMode values: Auto|Smart|Nice
;BodyArachne values: System|Default|All
;Colors values are <ink 0..15> <paper 0..15>

SavePasswords Yes
Cookies Yes
HTTPreferer Yes
;FakeFTPeMail user@domain


- ------=_NextPart_000_0054_01BFAAC0.84E66E40--


End of arachne-digest V1 #1091

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