Hello Alex. Welcome to the Arches community!

It's great to hear that you are interested in getting involved in an 
open-source project, and we obviously think that Arches is a fantastic 

We are always encouraged when new people join the community, and especially 
so if they're interested in playing an active role, as you seem to be. With 
release of v4.3 and the data-collection app nearing completion, it's a 
great time to join the effort. 

We are hearing more and more from our colleagues in the heritage field, 
both in the US and elsewhere, who have a need for technical assistance with 
implementing, configuring, and customizing Arches, so you could find 
yourself in demand before you know it. 

Please don't hesitate to let us know if you have any questions at all, 
whether technically based, heritage related, or otherwise. 

Best for now,


*Alison Dalgity* | Manager, Web and Digital Initiatives; Project Manager, 
Arches Project | The Getty Conservation Institute | Los Angeles | 
adalg...@getty.edu | P. 310.440.6208 | 

On Friday, October 12, 2018 at 4:46:04 PM UTC-7, Alex Lofgren wrote:
> Greetings, 
> I am an undergraduate student at University of Alabama in Huntsville 
> majoring in Computer Engineering. I am trying to get experience in coding 
> and teamwork by getting involved in an open source project. After looking 
> at a few possible projects, I felt Arches would be a good project to get 
> involved with because one of my side interests is ancient history. I am 
> currently working on understanding the various facets of the project so 
> that I can effectively contribute towards it in the future.
> Alex Lofgren

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