Hi David,
There isn't a baked in "grep"-like command to do what you want but I've 
crafted a bit of sql that you might be able to run to retrieve resource 
instances based on node values.

SELECT t.tileid,
FROM tiles t
LEFT JOIN nodes n ON t.nodegroupid = n.nodegroupid
(t.tiledata::json -> n.nodeid::text)::text = '12'

In this case you'd replace "12" with the value you're interested in.  This 
won't work for geometry nodes but should work for the majority of other 

As for deleting the resources once identified, the surest way to do that 
would be through the UI.  That might be impractical if you have anything 
more than 50 records (or less depending on how much perseverance you have).
You could always use SQL to delete resource instances based on the uuid, 
which should cascade delete the tiles as well.  This will still leave 
traces of the resource instances in the edit log table (which you could 
also delete if you wish). Resource-to-resrouce relationships could also be 
deleted the same way.

I will caveat all this by saying that I haven't tested any of this and you 
should most definitely back up your database before you attempt to delete 
anything via SQL.

If you do delete resources via SQL, then you'll need to reindex the data in 
Elasticsearch for which there is a command
python manange.py es index_database

As for the issue with reports showing the uuid of the relationship rather 
than the text, that might be something that could be fixed the default 
report template.
Hope that helps!


On Tuesday, February 11, 2020 at 3:12:54 PM UTC-8, David Osborne wrote:
> It seems I've inadvertently duplicated some resource records by 
> accidentally assigning them new uuids before loading from CSVs, so instead 
> of overwriting existing records, duplicates were created.
> I was wondering if anyone had developed any 'grep'-like command-line 
> utilities that perhaps returned uuids for resources where, say, a node 
> contains a particular value? If there were also a command to delete 
> resources given their uuid, that would help to remove the duplicate 
> records. If nothing like this exists, is there existing Python code in the 
> codebase which would make a good starting point? We're still on Arches 
> 4.4.2.
> A related question is whether it's possible to delete resource-to-resource 
> relationship records? They can obviously be loaded from CSV but there's 
> nothing documented which can remove them. What happens to these links when 
> one or more of the associated resource records are deleted?
> Finally, I've always been puzzled that in our resource reports, related 
> resources are followed by the uuid for the relationship 
> (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007), rather than the CIDOC-CRM property 
> phrase ("is-related-to"or "refers-to", I forget which), although I see that 
> Lincoln's Arcade has the almost equally obscure URL for CRM property P67.
> Cheers
> David

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