Hi All,

With reference to the mail thread [1], we have started working on App
Manager Publisher UI development. We have decided to implement the
Publisher and Store UI (will be two separate react applications) using

As IoT server has not moved to C5 yet, we will be developing this in a C4
based environment, hence the react apps will be deployed in the server's
web apps directory.

App Publisher Directory Structure.

Currently, the Publisher has the following folder structure.

Components and UI Library used.

Based on offline discussion with APIM team, we have used the antd and
material-ui component libraries earlier. But, with the level of
customization that needed for publisher and store and based on the
discussion with UX team, we have decided to go with reactstrap [2] which is
built on top of Bootstrap v4 and do the theming separately with external

(In Material-UI, all the styles are tightly bound to components, and we
could not change them without recompiling the source code)

We have developed some custom UI components customizing the reactstrap
default components. (Ex: data tables, switch components, floating action
buttons etc). These components will be stored in UIComponents directory.

Accessing APIs and persisting component state

As App publisher would have several multistep forms and api calls, we will
be using react-redux[3] for easy maintenance of the app states and data
among multiple components.

Currently, we have almost completed of design and theme and working on
backend integration.

Any feedback, suggestions are highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,

[1] [Architecture] [IoT] App Management of IoT Server

[2] https://reactstrap.github.io/

[3] http://redux.js.org/

*Menaka Jayawardena*
*Software Engineer - WSO2 Inc*
*Tel : 071 350 5470*
*LinkedIn: https://lk.linkedin.com/in/menakajayawardena
*Blog: https://menakamadushanka.wordpress.com/
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