confirm 2b8719a0435772fdbc562de4c2e1cc1661f0b6ba

2012-07-06 Thread cnc-list-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list CnC-List We have received a request from for subscription of your email address, "", to the mailing list. To confirm that you want to be added to this mailing list, simply r

Majordomo results: confirmations for mail-archive requests

2012-07-06 Thread Majordomo
-- auth d859e810 subscribe linux-input Succeeded. auth d30a2443 subscribe linux-kernel Succeeded. auth ebf25855 subscribe linux-scsi Succeeded. auth b962df81 subscribe linux-usb

Confirmation for subscribe git

2012-07-06 Thread Majordomo
-- Someone (possibly you) has requested that your email address be added to or deleted from the mailing list "". If you really want this action to be taken, please send the following commands (exactly as shown) back to "": auth 67c5d13a subscr

Confirmation for subscribe linux-usb

2012-07-06 Thread Majordomo
-- Someone (possibly you) has requested that your email address be added to or deleted from the mailing list "". If you really want this action to be taken, please send the following commands (exactly as shown) back to "": auth b962df81 s

Confirmation for subscribe linux-scsi

2012-07-06 Thread Majordomo
-- Someone (possibly you) has requested that your email address be added to or deleted from the mailing list "". If you really want this action to be taken, please send the following commands (exactly as shown) back to "": auth ebf25855

Confirmation for subscribe linux-kernel

2012-07-06 Thread Majordomo
-- Someone (possibly you) has requested that your email address be added to or deleted from the mailing list "". If you really want this action to be taken, please send the following commands (exactly as shown) back to "": auth d30a244

Confirmation for subscribe linux-input

2012-07-06 Thread Majordomo
-- Someone (possibly you) has requested that your email address be added to or deleted from the mailing list "". If you really want this action to be taken, please send the following commands (exactly as shown) back to "": auth d859e810

Your confirmation is required to join the Fsf-collab-discuss mailing list

2012-07-06 Thread fsf-collab-discuss-confirm+46b516e6dace4a09c1f371340f0dca0104529927
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list Fsf-collab-discuss We have received a request from for subscription of your email address, "", to the mailing list. To confirm that you want t

Your confirmation is required to join the Fsf-collab-discuss mailing list

2012-07-06 Thread fsf-collab-discuss-confirm+916817f915c4aa230ffeff820ffa0bcf755216fc
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list Fsf-collab-discuss We have received a request from for subscription of your email address, "", to the mailing list. To confirm that you want t

confirm da5d99f672cd4ee950e3aaef28a8b1eb005fc946

2012-07-06 Thread lmuse-developer-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list Lmuse-developer We have received a request from for subscription of your email address, "", to the mailing list. To confirm that you want to be add

confirm 0558325ff6072794b2e0fe67d2800f5341832146

2012-07-06 Thread lmuse-developer-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list Lmuse-developer We have received a request from for subscription of your email address, "", to the mailing list. To confirm that you want to be add

confirm e2d125b403c5e4cefd21949e9ca02ae49ee4a985

2012-07-06 Thread lmuse-user-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list Lmuse-user We have received a request from for subscription of your email address, "", to the mailing list. To confirm that you want to be added to this

confirm c866dbadb0e749b29393053c196854d09f99c871

2012-07-06 Thread lmuse-user-request
Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list Lmuse-user We have received a request from for subscription of your email address, "", to the mailing list. To confirm that you want to be added to this

confirm 78f8f104fb8ff46f62f56082e72b68bff7153b86

2012-07-06 Thread announce-request
Abonnementsbestätigung für die Mailingliste ANNOUNCE Wir haben einen Auftrag von zur Aufnahme Ihrer E-Mailadresse "" in die Mailingliste erhalten. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie diese Mailingliste tatsächlich abonnieren möchten,

confirm 15eae798eb56a4c1ecf46a76a8d069f62fa2fce9

2012-07-06 Thread bw-request
Abonnementsbestätigung für die Mailingliste BW Wir haben einen Auftrag von zur Aufnahme Ihrer E-Mailadresse "" in die Mailingliste erhalten. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie diese Mailingliste tatsächlich abonnieren möchten, antworten

confirm fe5b7c660b1b3d2c7fb6b7a8fbef66d82490e15d

2012-07-06 Thread hh-request
Abonnementsbestätigung für die Mailingliste HH Wir haben einen Auftrag von zur Aufnahme Ihrer E-Mailadresse "" in die Mailingliste erhalten. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie diese Mailingliste tatsächlich abonnieren möchten, antworten

confirm d2047d1ed1c705ca71a881d3e74bad7da0a1a7d1

2012-07-06 Thread aktive-request
Abonnementsbestätigung für die Mailingliste AKTIVE Wir haben einen Auftrag von zur Aufnahme Ihrer E-Mailadresse "" in die Mailingliste erhalten. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie diese Mailingliste tatsächlich abonnieren möchten, ant