
I’m writing on behalf of the ArchivesSpace Technical Advisory Council’s 
Integrations sub-team. If you’re not familiar with our work, the Integrations 
subteam supports the ArchivesSpace community by taking a transparent approach 
to documenting and facilitating the integration of systems with the 
ArchivesSpace application. Some of our activities include:

  *   Tracking current integrations and communicating their status with the 
larger community
  *   Creating resources that assist members of the community with their 
integration work
  *   Act as liaisons between integration developers, the AS program team, and 
the community
  *   Act as general resources for those working on integrations

We’ve recently given our documentation a refresh -- please give it a look! You 
can read a little more about what we consider integrations on our “What Are 
 page, and we have a few examples of existing integrations on our team’s 
 page. We also have documentation about 
 to integrate with ArchivesSpace if you’re thinking about or are currently 
working on a systems integration.

We’re reaching out today because we saw an opportunity to better support 
integrations work by reaching out to communities that might not already know 
about the work we do. We’re actively seeking more information about any past or 
current integrations work so that we can better share it out with others. If 
you’re working on an integration, we’d love to hear about it! Please either 
email us at 
 or fill out our ArchivesSpace Integrations 

We’d really like to know what you’re working on or thinking about working on, 
and want to make sure as many people know of our existence as possible. We’re 
here to act as a resource and answer any questions you might have about how to 
go about integrating with ArchivesSpace. We may not always be able to answer 
your deepest technological questions, but we can definitely point you in the 
right direction.


Patrick Galligan

Oh behalf of Integrations sub-team

Jared Campbell

Megan Firestone

Edgar Garcia

Maggie Hughes

Dallas Pillen

Trevor Thornton

Gregory Wiedeman
Archivesspace_Users_Group mailing list

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