The Boston Regional Forum Working Group is seeking proposals for a lightning 
round of presentations, to be delivered at the ArchivesSpace Boston Regional 
Forum on May 3, 2018.

The presentations will be capped at 5 minutes and topics can be on anything 
related to your work using, developing, implementing, or actively contributing 
to the ArchivesSpace application and community.

Please use this form:<>
 to submit a short proposal (e.g. a topic, initiative, challenge, question, or 
program you are working on or thinking about) by Friday, March 23, 2018. You 
will receive a response by April 3, 2018.

If you have any questions (or ideas) related to the lightning round submissions 
or the regional forums, feel free to email Kim at<>.

The regional forums are opportunities for our diverse ArchivesSpace members to 
meet up more locally to share and learn from each other through workshops, 
focused discussion sessions, and presentations. We look forward to having the 
content shaped by our community.

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