After considering the input received during the recent community consultation on the subscription eligibility and appropriate topics to raise on the ARIN Discuss mailing list, we have decided not to make any changes to the list at this time.

The ARIN-Discuss mailing list will remain open to employees of ARIN member organizations, ARIN Board of Trustees, and ARIN Advisory Council members. RIR Staff members may observe but not actively participate in discussions. It will continue to be used as forum for the ARIN member community to discuss ARIN-specific issues such as fee structures and internal policies.

Further study will be given to two questions raised during the consultation:

1. Should membership (and therefore the list) be open to any interested organization that pays fees to ARIN? 2. What is the appropriate forum to engage the Internet community in the ARIN region on the topic of Internet governance?

ARIN will engage with the community on these questions at a later date.


John Curran
President and CEO
American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
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