ARIN’s Registration RESTful Service, or Reg-RWS, is a secure and efficient 
method for interacting with ARIN’s database and managing your registration 
records. If you’re interested in learning how your organization can use Reg-RWS 
to automate tasks such as creating a recipient customer, submitting 
reassignment or reallocation information, modifying nets, and more, we invite 
you to attend our Reg-RWS Basics: Automate Management of ARIN Records with API 

Join ARIN’s Senior Technology Architect, Jon Worley, for this free, one-hour 
webinar as he explains the benefits Reg-RWS can bring to your organization. For 
those organizations who utilize email templates for reporting information to 
ARIN, we encourage you to attend so you can be prepared for the retirement of 
email templates later this year.

Reg-RWS Basics: Automate Management of ARIN Records with API
Thursday, 22 February
2:00 PM ET


If you have any questions about this event, please email We 
hope to see you there!


American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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