Did your ISP tell you to create Internet Routing Registry (IRR) objects, and you’re not clear what that means? Are you trying to move from the IRR email template system and use ARIN Online to create routing data? Do you just need a better understanding of what IRR at ARIN is all about?

Join us for our next webinar, titled “Getting to Know IRR-Online at ARIN,” to get help with these questions and more.

During our webinar, we will:

- Learn what an IRR is and how ARIN has implemented ours
- Compare the differences between the ARIN IRR and RPKI, and learn how RPKI can complement the IRR
- Identify methods to retrieve routing data
- Identify the difference between authorized and nonauthorized IRR data
- Weigh the benefits of using ARIN’s IRR to enter and maintain your routing data
- Create your own routing data in ARIN Online

This webinar will be held on Tuesday, 18 August at 1:00 PM ET. Registration is completely free but space is limited, so register soon:


We hope to see you there! Contact us at train...@arin.net with any questions.


American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)

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