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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Consultation on Expanding the Size of the ARIN Board of
      Trustees (Austin Murkland)
   2. Re: Consultation on Expanding the Size of the ARIN Board of
      Trustees (John Curran)
   3. Re: Consultation on Expanding the Size of the ARIN Board of
      Trustees (John Curran)
   4. Re: Consultation on Expanding the Size of the ARIN Board of
      Trustees (William Herrin)
   5. Expanding the Board (vinton cerf)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2018 14:52:54 -0400
From: Austin Murkland <>
To: "<>" <>
Subject: Re: [ARIN-consult] Consultation on Expanding the Size of the
        ARIN Board of Trustees
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I'm in full agreement with Mr. Herrin and Mr. Woodcock on this, I fail to
see how a larger Board of Trustees will help ARIN, the community, or the
present board accomplish tasks set before them.

Austin Murkland

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 2:40 PM, William Herrin <> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 2:14 PM, ARIN <> wrote:
> > it is often up to the ARIN Board of Trustees to
> > decide whether to explore these initiatives when they are at an early
> stage.
> Mission creep.
> > ARIN should add three more elected voting seats to the Board of Trustees,
> > raising the current six (two elected per year) to nine (three elected per
> > year). New Board seats are to be added to the Board in a phased manner ?
> one
> > per year in the 2018 thru 2020 elections as noted below
> Still "no" for the same reasons expressed last year. The bigger the
> board, the worse the paralysis at one end and groupthink at the other.
> Optimal board sizes, in general, have been studied. A lot. The 7 you
> have is already on the high edge of optimal. If 7 people can't get it
> done, then either we've elected people who aren't willing to spend the
> time, ARIN has strayed too far from the core mission or ARIN has added
> too much paper-pushing overhead (too much "process") to the board's
> work.
> Regards,
> Bill Herrin
> --
> William Herrin ................
> Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <>
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2018 19:35:47 +0000
From: John Curran <>
To: BIll Herrin <>
Cc: "<>" <>
Subject: Re: [ARIN-consult] Consultation on Expanding the Size of the
        ARIN Board of Trustees
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On 6 Apr 2018, at 2:40 PM, William Herrin <> wrote:
>> it is often up to the ARIN Board of Trustees to
>> decide whether to explore these initiatives when they are at an early stage.
> Mission creep.
> ...
> Optimal board sizes, in general, have been studied. A lot. The 7 you
> have is already on the high edge of optimal. If 7 people can't get it
> done, then either we've elected people who aren't willing to spend the
> time, ARIN has strayed too far from the core mission or ARIN has added
> too much paper-pushing overhead (too much "process") to the board's
> work.

Bill - 

The consultation notes a concern which is rather specific and not at all 
related to the amount of total time/effort or paperwork/process involved in 
ARIN Board work.  

Specifically, the question is simply how small of a Board does the ARIN 
community feel comfortable when it comes to setting strategic direction in 
sensitive matters that are too early to engage with the full community.   

A fine example is the recent IANA Stewardship Transition activities, whereby 
the ARIN Board had to decide very early on whether we would even explore the 
possibility of transitioning the stewardship of the IANA Internet number 
registries from NTIA to the Internet numbers community.  The final outcome was 
quite productive and was actually developed by the Internet numbers community, 
but would not have been possible without the early direction from the ARIN 
Board ? direction that was not without risk to the entire Internet ecosystem.

The ARIN Board faces similar strategic decisions each year, while I believe 
ARIN has enjoyed a history of Board members of both extremely high calibre and 
with exceptional breath of experience in many parts of the Internet, such 
strength and breath of understanding is not assured with six elected Board 

Review of our past remarkable successes is what drives my concern that it is 
possible for a competent and diverse Board of six well-qualified members to 
nonetheless lack similar deep understanding of key portions of the Internet 
ecosystem, simply because the Internet of today has many more layers involved 
in service delivery and six skilled Board members can only span so much 
industry knowledge.  This is not about expanding ARIN?s scope or mission, quite 
the opposite, since a larger Board is also more likely to bring better 
awareness of other initiatives already underway in any given Internet space, 
thus enabling collaboration over duplication.

We function quite well today with a small Board, and we can continue to do so.  
Moving to a slightly larger Board reduces the possibility of gaps in the 
Board?s overall understanding of the Internet ecosystem for those situations 
when the Board must act on behalf of the ARIN community.


John Curran
President and CEO


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2018 19:50:10 +0000
From: John Curran <>
To: Bill Woodcock <>
Cc: "<>" <>
Subject: Re: [ARIN-consult] Consultation on Expanding the Size of the
        ARIN Board of Trustees
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On 6 Apr 2018, at 2:40 PM, Bill Woodcock <> wrote:
> I?ve served on many boards, including ones much smaller than ARIN?s (several 
> boards of three people) and ones much larger (once as many as 22).  I?ve 
> found that, without exception, the larger the board, the less functional it 
> is.  At seven, ARIN?s board has always (at least in the fifteen years I sat 
> on it) struggled with keeping all members engaged and contributing 
> productively. It?s been rare that more than four or five members were really 
> paying attention to the issues we needed to work on, showing up for meetings, 
> and speaking their minds.

Indeed Bill? you are certainly one of the folks I had in mind when I wrote the 
phrase "a history of Board members of both extremely high calibre and with 
exceptional breath of experience in many parts of the Internet?.

Three Board members of such broad experience and knowledge might indeed do fine 
in setting strategic direction for fundamental organization such as ARIN, but 
three of less than stellar background and knowledge could be quite a disaster 
in the making.

> Ask yourself instead, ?what problem, if any, would this solve??  I?ve asked 
> that question each time it?s been brought up, and I?ve never received an 
> answer.

There are only so many Bill Woodcocks, Scott Bradners, Paul Vixies, Vint Cerfs, 
etc. in the world, and it?s unlikely going forward that we?ll have quite as 
many folks involved who have similarly been involved in every aspect of the 
Internet since its inception. Combine that with the fact that the Internet is 
itself adding new layers (such as clouds, social media, and CDN?s?), and you 
have set extremely high expectations if you want to good breadth of 
understanding of the Internet ecosystem that ARIN affects in only six people, 
even if all of them are quite well-qualified.


John Curran
President and CEO

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Message: 4
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2018 16:07:11 -0400
From: William Herrin <>
To: John Curran <>
Cc: "<>" <>
Subject: Re: [ARIN-consult] Consultation on Expanding the Size of the
        ARIN Board of Trustees
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 3:35 PM, John Curran <> wrote:
> Specifically, the question is simply how small of a Board does the ARIN
> community feel comfortable when it comes to setting strategic direction
> in sensitive matters that are too early to engage with the full community.

John, that's mission creep. The community doesn't want ARIN or its
board to set a strategic direction for the Internet or any part of it.
That's not the proper role of a *registry*. A registry records and
reports. They don't "direct."

> Review of our past remarkable successes is what drives my concern
> that it is possible for a competent and diverse Board of six well-qualified
> members to nonetheless lack similar deep understanding of key portions
> of the Internet ecosystem, simply because the Internet of today has
> many more layers involved in service delivery and six skilled Board
> members can only span so much industry knowledge.

Respectfully, if ARIN's board lacks any breadth it is most likely
because the membership who elected them reflect a similar breadth.
That's a problem with the selection process for the board, not its
size. As we also discussed last year.

> Moving to a slightly larger Board reduces the possibility of gaps in
> the Board?s overall understanding of the Internet ecosystem

I've heard no credible reason to suppose that adding more board
members with the same selection criteria would have a positive impact
on this goal. Didn't hear it last year. Not hearing it this year.

Bill Herrin

William Herrin ................
Dirtside Systems ......... Web: <>


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2018 15:59:06 -0400
From: vinton cerf <>
Subject: [ARIN-consult] Expanding the Board
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I am strongly in favor of the 9 member board plan. It provides increased
opportunity for a diversity of perspectives, geographic and gender
participation, and increases the pool of experienced board members in the
community as they cycle from board service. This is not a massive expansion
and should not become an impediment to quorum formation. There is a modest
increase in travel expense but worth it for the other benefits this modest
expansion brings. As a former Board chair and member of the Board, I would
not have found the increase difficult to manage and would have welcomed the
addition of diverse views.

Vint Cerf
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