On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 05:29:29PM -0800, Owen DeLong wrote:
> The reciprocity requirement merely requires that the policies
> ALLOW transfers in both directions.
> I do not believe that allowing transfers to an RIR which will not
> allow transfers out is reasonable or prudent and this belief has
> nothing to do with maintenance or protection of a free pool. If we
> will allow transfers between RIRs, then the policies by which they
> are allowed should be fair, balanced, and symmetrical. This does
> not mean that I expect the ratio of actual transfers to be balanced
> or symmetrical, merely that the policies under which they are
> conducted should be.

I'm with Owen on this. 

For folks who think asymmetric transfers in this context 
(co-operating RIRs) is OK, how do they feel regarding such 
transfers in other contexts?  I'm specifically thinking of
asymmetric lock-in transfers to certain NIRs who require 
resources used within their legislative boundary be in 
their registry. I'm concerned that even a conditional 
door open here sets a precedent for enabling such reduced 
resource fluidity. 

IMNSHO, that way leads to enabling Balkanization.



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Joe Provo / Gweep / Earthling 
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