This came across my desk today, thought others might be interested.


Market forces appear to be at work on coral reefs, where fish 
that perform a cleaning service risk losing customers if they get 
sloppy. Scientists studying these fish conclude that healthy 
competition is sometimes important in ecology, helping to 
stabilize co-operation between species.

Researchers have seen a free-market economy at work in the 
interactions between cleaner wrasse and their client fish on the 
reefs of Ras Muhammad, on the Red Sea coast of Egypt. 

The cleaners can "cheat" in this transaction, feeding on mucus or 
even the tissues of the client instead.
   o   Client fish regularly visit cleaning stations where the 
       wrasse nibble parasites from their bodies.

   o   Fish were less likely to visit stations where they had 
       previously been cheated or had to wait in a queue.
   o   By exercising what amounts to consumer choice, the client 
       fish promote healthy competition between all the cleaning 
       stations, and this ensures good quality service.
Although predatory client species can attack the cleaners if they 
feel cheated, non-predatory clients are powerless to threaten 
revenge. So their arrangement would seem doomed -- cheating 
should become widespread, so long as the cleaners remove just 
enough parasites to keep clients coming back for further sessions 
when they get desperate.  But market forces keep the cleaning 
standards high.

Source: Jon Copley, "Coral Reefs Operate Free-Market Economy," 
New Scientist, April 28, 2002, and Animal Behavior (vol. 63, p 
Dr. Alexander Tabarrok
Vice President and Director of Research
The Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA, 94621-1428
Tel. 510-632-1366, FAX: 510-568-6040

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