> universities are maximizing something, but it's not clear what.
> John Samples

Could it be that such universities seek to maximize prestige, or academic
esteem?  In the academic culture, publishing in "top" journals generates
esteem, so that is what is sought.  Secondarily, an academic reputation
generates esteem among the public.  Students then seek out such universities,
not because the teaching is good, since it may not be, but because the
prestige carries over to degrees and credentials.  Thus, the original seed of
good and useful research grows into a tree where the fruit becomes an end in
itself and is perpetuated by cultural memes which are themselves the end.

The question is whether the "top" economic journals do publish the most
useful and innovative research and insights, or whether an academic culture
has developed that self-perpetuates an illusion.

Fred Foldvary 


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