Fw: Ruppert on ASPO Conference

2003-06-02 Thread alypius skinner



  Bush Advisor Matt Simmons Who Advised 
  Cheney's Energy Task Force Confirms Peak Oil is Major Concern of Bush 
  Peak Oil Symptoms More Apparent 
  Recoverable Reserves May Be Less Than Hoped 
  Natural Gas Shortages May Appear in US This 
  Hydrogen Vastly Overrated and Not Likely to 
  Offer Solution 
Paris Peak Oil Conference Reveals Deepening 
by Michael 
C. Ruppert
© Copyright 2003, From 
The Wilderness Publications, www.fromthewilderness.com. All 
Rights Reserved. This story may NOT be posted on any Internet web site without 
express written permission. Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]. May be circulated, distributed or 
transmitted for non-profit purposes only.
May 30, 2003, 1800 PDT, (FTW), PARIS – Research presented on May 26th and 
27th at the French Institute for Petroleum (IFP) by a wide variety of 
experts from varying and often competitive perspectives disclosed that, in the 
year since the first conference of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil 
(ASPO) supply, constraints have worsened and the realities of energy depletion 
are becoming more apparent. A year of violent political history centered on oil 
and ever-more unforgiving production results have begun to force reluctant 
political and economic acknowledgement of Peak Oi's threat to civilization. Yet 
ASPO's founder, Professor Colin Campbell, and his colleagues, retired 
TotalFinaElf Exploration Manager, Jean Laherrère, and Physics 
Professor, Kjell Aleklett, have good reason to be pleased with the 
second-ever ASPO conference. Two hundred people from more than twenty countries 
attended this year, doubling attendance for the inaugural event held last May in 
Uppsala, Sweden. In an acknowledgement 
of Peak Oi's penetration of official consciousness, the event was partially 
subsidized by the French Institute for Petroleum, the oil services firm 
Schlumberger, and the French oil giant, Total. The fact that it was held at a 
government institution was, according to Campbell, evidence of the fact that 
Peak Oil can no longer be completely ignored, even by politicians.
Olivier Appert, Chairman of the IFP, bluntly acknowledged that many oil 
experts have concluded that world oil depletion is between five and ten per cent 
per year and that 60 Million barrels per day (Mbpd) of 
new capacity is needed to meet demand. On that basis he concluded in his opening 
remarks, "It is timely to reopen the debate." Appert however told the audience 
that he was an optimist basically because he predicted that new technologies 
would produce new discoveries and better recovery in the future.
But quiet, official support of the conference fell far short of the political 
and economic mobilization the organizers believe necessary to respond to a 
crisis that might start grinding national economies to a halt and causing 
massive dislocations in short order. As one conference organizer told 
FTW, "The fact that several governments have asked to be kept 
‘fully informed,' or that the French government allows us to use their 
facilities, or that major oil companies and automakers like Daimler-Chrysler 
come to make presentations is a way of listening closely to what we are doing 
without having to publicly accept what we are saying. The political and economic 
ramifications of that are too drastic from their perspectives, but each hour of 
delay only assures that the eventual crisis will be worse once it has been 
IFP Chairman Appert's optimism was belied by experts like 
Laherrère, whose brutally honest graphs and plots not only mirror 
the truth of declining discovery and production but also establish 
scientifically that there are no more major significant reserves to be found. 
Other experts established definitively that wildly exaggerated hopes for polar 
or deep sea discoveries, or tar sands production are both unfounded and 
dangerously deceptive because of the excessive production costs and the 
investment required to develop what will likely prove 
to be disappointing yields.
In the end, the most realistic and integrated analyses were delivered by 
political scientist and author Michael Klare and Professor Kenneth Deffeyes of 
Princeton, a one-time colleague of the late M. King Hubbert, whose Hubbert Curve 
predicted today's events with startling accuracy some six decades ago. These two 
conference presenters gave integrated presentations incorporating real-world 
current events and showed clearly that Peak Oil is here now.
BBC sets the tone
One of the first presentations of the conference was the screening of a new 
BBC documentary which aired on March 26, 2003, titled, "The War For Oil." In stark and irrefutable detail the film verified 
every major aspect of Peak Oil including declining production, vanishing 
discovery rates, smaller field sizes and increasing demand. It pointed out that 
worldwide production capacity was stretched to the limit and that the 
US would be importing seve

Re: Is a non-optimizing organism evolutionarily viable?

2003-06-02 Thread john hull
Sure, they'd be a good example.  :-)

--- Fred Foldvary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- john hull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is an organism that routinely fails to optimize
> > evolutionarily viable?  
> Human beings, for example?
> Fred Foldvary
> =

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Re: Theory of Perverse Government Tangents (fwd)

2003-06-02 Thread fabio guillermo rojas

Not sure if this made it... fabio

> While it may appear that the Warnick Theory of Perverse Government Tangents
> has thus been born full grown, it is nevertheless recognized that
> improvements or amplifications may be possible.  They are welcome.
> Walt Warnick  

Sorry, Walt. You've been beaten to the punch:

Read Meyer and Rowan's 1977 article "Institutionalized Organizations:
Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony" in the American Journal of
Sociology. The point of their article is that you should think of a lot of
bureuacratic behavior as a signal of legitimacy. The behavior may have no
obvious benefit and it's done only to satifsy legal regulation, noisy
interest groups or "public opinion." Since then, they've scaled down their
claims (they originally claimed most behavior was a legitimacy signal) but
the basic point is well taken, especially for public administration.
