Re: Neutral taxation?/was Re: questions about dividend tax cut

2003-01-16 Thread AdmrlLocke

In a message dated 1/16/03 11:57:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>AdmrlLocke wrote:
>> The farmer felt no compunction at all about complaining that while 
>under the income tax system he pays no tax, under a sales tax he'd pay
>a hefty tax.  He pays nothing and he thinks he's entitled to pay 
>nothing while everyone else pays something.)
>This kind of rhetoric never seizes to amaze me. Why do people get away
>with it?

I'm tempted to say that it's because America is dominated by WASP culture, 
and WASP culture promotes polite and confict-aversion over confrontational 
truth.  I don't really think, however, that that fully explains why such 
people don't get confronted more, although it might explain much of that 
particular story, since I was sitting in a WASPy country club in small-town 
Iowa.  :)

I think that in America certain groups of people have gotten benefits 
because, deservedly so or not, many other Americans believed that the 
beneficiaries deserved the benefits.  Much of the Great Society--occasional 
liberal protestations to the contrary notwithstanding--appealed to 
urban/suburban Northern white middle-income guilt over the treatment of 
blacks in America, particularly (but not exclusively) during slavery.  These 
voters believed (rightfully so) that blacks had been oppressed (slavery, Jim 
Crow, etc.) and that therefore someone should pay them, or their descendants, 
something (a rather tenuous conclusion, I'll admit, and the one behind the 
'reparations' movement these days).  These voters also saw having the 
government make these payments as an easy, cost-free way (a decidedly false 
assumption) to expiate their guilt for evils perpetrated by other people.  
Until the Great Society's heavy costs (inflation, welfare-dependence, 
destruction of black neighborhoods and families) started to appear clearly in 
the 1970s, very few of these voters felt any desire to criticize the 
programs, or the recipients who developed an entitlement mentality, or feared 
to express such criticizms for fear of being branded "racist," as the 
Democrats routinely do and have done since the 1960s.

In the farmer's case, there's a centuries'-long American love-affair with 
rurality and the famer.  We start with the early colonial stories of America 
as a great garden, the Jeffersonian ideal of the sturdy yeoman farming his 
land, the American notion of the farmer as the "salt of the earth," the 
non-economic notion that the farmer "feeds us" (as though out of the goodness 
of his heart for us poor, starving urban dwellers).  Indeed a hostility 
toward the sick, polluted, direct city and preference for the clean, growing 
countryside goes back to pre-colonial English (and Continental) roots.  
Farmers in America tried for decades starting in the late 19th century to get 
various types of government benefits, but only when their relative numbers 
had declined to less than half the population could they actually manage to 
start squeezing out some small benefits in the 1920s.  Now that less than 
half of a percent of the US population engages in full-time farming, 
taxpayers can afford to exempt farmers entirely from federal income taxation, 
pay then individually tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars, 
and yet barely notice.  For decades it hardly seemed worth the effort to 
debunk the noble farming myth in order to cut agricultural price subsidies, 
although in the mid-1990s the Democrats' allies in the media made cutting ag 
subsidies the key test of whether Republians were really serious about 
cutting entitlements.  (Note: Republicans did phase out the notorious ag 
price supports [though not all federal ag subsidies] but got not credit from 
the news media, whose members conveniently forgot they'd set up ag subsidies 
as the key test).

Civil War veterans, however, stand out as the first group to create a sense 
among the voters that they deserved to feed at the federal trough, and for 
the next half-century or so got increasingly large and wide benefits.  
Eventually Congress passed what some have called a "Sneeze Clause" or 
something like that:  if a Civil War veteran ever sneezed in your direction 
you got veteran benefits.  I understand that veterans today still get 
substantial, wide-ranging federal benefits, thought I'm not at all sure that 
having a separate, completely-socialized medical system doesn't hurt them 
much more than it helps.

>Here in Denmark, we often hear similar rhetoric on welfare benefits. If
>someone in the media is advocating a reduction (or more likely, 
>advocating a lower increase) in welfare benefits, the interviewer will
>gladly turn to someone, who will say: “I actually receive welfare 
>benefits, and I think they are too low”. That’s it – end of 
>The general feeling is: “Well, this guy actually receives benefits, so
>he’s gotta be the expert, right?” – “on the other hand, the idiot who 

Re: Neutral taxation?/was Re: questions about dividend tax cut

2003-01-16 Thread AdmrlLocke
Dear Tom,

I hope I got your definition of "neutral" right in the last post.  As I 
indicated, I'd support a poll tax (so long as I'm an armchair intellectual 
and not running for office, which with my abrasive personality would be a 
joke anyway).  I also support a flatter income tax. In fact  I'd like to see 
something along the lines of the Forbes flat tax with a single rate above the 
exemption.  I've got a master's degree in taxation and used to work as a tax 
practioner, and so saw first-hand some of the heavy cost of complying with 
the complex income tax.  A simpler system would reduce the compliance costs.

I don't really want to replace all the tax revenue generated by the current 
income tax; personally I'd like to see the federal government spend a fifth 
to a fourth of what it does now.  I agree that much of the problem comes on 
the benefit side, with almost everyone (except Democratic politicians in the 
federal government--I wonder why they lost the Senate?) supporting some sort 
of tax cuts but nobody wanting their own benefits cut.  I'd love to hear some 
good (or even some mediocre) suggestions on how to overcome the problem.

Under Gramm-Rudman, which lasted basically covered Reagan's second term, 
discretionary federal non-defense spending grew at its slowest rate since the 
1920s, so it may be that the threat of automatic across-the-board cuts have 
the most success by forcing competing interests to fight with each other 
rather than cooperate to raise federal spending in the aggregate.  It didn't 
last very long and only happened under the threat of huge deficits and indeed 
broke down when the "automatic" cuts got large, so I'm not actually too 
optimistic about the success of such things.


In a message dated 1/16/03 5:20:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>even more than direct/indirect, you need to specify what is "neutral".
>Given democracy, one (adult) person, one vote, a strong case can be made
>for a "neutral" poll tax.  
>Of course it is not "progressive" like most income taxes.  Flat rate
>taxes, sales/VAT taxes, even land taxes, affect some more than others.
>My own preferences are more towards a flat(er) tax, with a large (poverty
>level) deduction, and rates tending down (to zero?); a land tax, split
>between local, state, and federal (1/3 each? 50-25-25?); and ever increasing
>taxes on pollution.  I am constantly annoyed at the greens wanting huge
>regulation but unwilling to support higher pollution taxes.  
>Um, to get rid of the last 5% of income taxes, I'd even support deficit
>printing money (inflation, another fairly "neutral" tax, 
>of about 2-3% per year).
>But of the course the MAIN problem is on the benfit side -- so many voters
>want, claim, demand, and only-vote-for those politicos who offer their
>favorite benefits.  The demand for benefits drives the demand for tax
>And the coming (2020) Social Security baby boomer elephant-sized funding
>is gonna be a HUGE increase in benefit demand.  
>Europe is even more vulnerable than the US or the UK.
>Sigh.  "What is to be done?"  (someone said that... I know, what's is name
>the commie!)  
>Tom Grey

Re: Neutral taxation?/was Re: questions about dividend tax cut

2003-01-16 Thread Jacob W Braestrup
AdmrlLocke wrote:

> The farmer felt no compunction at all about complaining that while 
under the income tax system he pays no tax, under a sales tax he'd pay 
a hefty tax.  He pays nothing and he thinks he's entitled to pay 
nothing while everyone else pays something.)

This kind of rhetoric never seizes to amaze me. Why do people get away 
with it?

Here in Denmark, we often hear similar rhetoric on welfare benefits. If 
someone in the media is advocating a reduction (or more likely, 
advocating a lower increase) in welfare benefits, the interviewer will 
gladly turn to someone, who will say: “I actually receive welfare 
benefits, and I think they are too low”. That’s it – end of 

The general feeling is: “Well, this guy actually receives benefits, so 
he’s gotta be the expert, right?” – “on the other hand, the idiot who 
proposed the cut (lower increase) doesn’t receive them, so who is he to 
say anything about how high they should be…”

Whenever the similar line of argumentation is presented in tax 
matters: “Hey, let’s ask the top income earners whether they think 
rates are too high” (63 percent at the moment here) – the opinion of 
such “fascist pigs” is dismissed out of hand as biased…

Is this experience shared by people outside the Scandinavian 
countries? – how about the US?

sorry if this is off-topic

Jacob Braestrup
Danish Taxpayers Association

RE: Neutral taxation?/was Re: questions about dividend tax cut

2003-01-16 Thread Susan Hogarth

I suppose there *could* be a neutral tax, but what would be the point?
It would be something like taking five dollars from everyone and giving
them back five dollars worth of 'services'.

Hmm, I guess that's truly not possible, though. Yes, I agree :)

Susan Hogarth 
Triangle Beagle Rescue of NC [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Neutral taxation?/was Re: questions about dividend tax cut

2003-01-16 Thread Jacob W Braestrup
To Tom Grey (and others)

2 points:

1: why not retain land tax as a local tax, as this would ensure tax-
payers the possibility of voting with ther feet, end thus ensure some 
degree of fiscal competition between neigbouring counties / 

2: I believe Austrain Economic Theory does noit regard inflation as a 
neutral tax, as one of it's main beliefs is that the earlier you get 
your hands on new money, the more you benefit - and vice-versa. I don't 
know whether this holds true for constant (that is: expected) inflation 
as you are descibing as well - anyone?

Jacob Braestrup
Danish Taxpayers Association

> Dan,
> even more than direct/indirect, you need to specify what is "neutral".
> Given democracy, one (adult) person, one vote, a strong case can be 
> for a "neutral" poll tax.  
> Of course it is not "progressive" like most income taxes.  Flat rate
> taxes, sales/VAT taxes, even land taxes, affect some more than others.
> My own preferences are more towards a flat(er) tax, with a large 
> level) deduction, and rates tending down (to zero?); a land tax, 
> between local, state, and federal (1/3 each? 50-25-25?); and ever 
> taxes on pollution.  I am constantly annoyed at the greens wanting 
> regulation but unwilling to support higher pollution taxes.  
> Um, to get rid of the last 5% of income taxes, I'd even support 
deficit spending
> printing money (inflation, another fairly "neutral" tax, 
> of about 2-3% per year).
> But of the course the MAIN problem is on the benfit side -- so many 
> want, claim, demand, and only-vote-for those politicos who offer their
> favorite benefits.  The demand for benefits drives the demand for tax
> revenue.
> And the coming (2020) Social Security baby boomer elephant-sized 
funding gap 
> is gonna be a HUGE increase in benefit demand.  
> Europe is even more vulnerable than the US or the UK.
> Sigh.  "What is to be done?"  (someone said that... I know, what's is 
> the commie!)  
> Tom Grey
> > But this assumes that taxes can be neutral.  I would tend to 
> > agree with
> > Larry Sechrest here -- viz., there are no neutral taxes.  
> > position is laid out in his "Rand, Anarchy, and Taxes" in _The 
> > of Ayn Rand Studies_ 1(2).)
> > 
> > Do any of you agree?
> > 
> > Cheers!
> > 
> > Dan
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 

NeoMail - Webmail

RE: Neutral taxation?/was Re: questions about dividend tax cut

2003-01-16 Thread Grey Thomas
even more than direct/indirect, you need to specify what is "neutral".
Given democracy, one (adult) person, one vote, a strong case can be made
for a "neutral" poll tax.  
Of course it is not "progressive" like most income taxes.  Flat rate
taxes, sales/VAT taxes, even land taxes, affect some more than others.

My own preferences are more towards a flat(er) tax, with a large (poverty
level) deduction, and rates tending down (to zero?); a land tax, split 
between local, state, and federal (1/3 each? 50-25-25?); and ever increasing
taxes on pollution.  I am constantly annoyed at the greens wanting huge
regulation but unwilling to support higher pollution taxes.  
Um, to get rid of the last 5% of income taxes, I'd even support deficit spending
printing money (inflation, another fairly "neutral" tax, 
of about 2-3% per year).

But of the course the MAIN problem is on the benfit side -- so many voters
want, claim, demand, and only-vote-for those politicos who offer their
favorite benefits.  The demand for benefits drives the demand for tax

And the coming (2020) Social Security baby boomer elephant-sized funding gap 
is gonna be a HUGE increase in benefit demand.  
Europe is even more vulnerable than the US or the UK.
Sigh.  "What is to be done?"  (someone said that... I know, what's is name
the commie!)  

Tom Grey

> But this assumes that taxes can be neutral.  I would tend to 
> agree with
> Larry Sechrest here -- viz., there are no neutral taxes.  (Sechrest's
> position is laid out in his "Rand, Anarchy, and Taxes" in _The Journal
> of Ayn Rand Studies_ 1(2).)
> Do any of you agree?
> Cheers!
> Dan

Re: Neutral taxation?/was Re: questions about dividend tax cut

2003-01-15 Thread AdmrlLocke
Dear Dan,

I actually do agree, which is part of why when my conservative friends would 
support a national sales tax instead of an income tax as though a national 
sales tax were a panacea I'd just shake my head and tell them, "there's no 
such thing as an unburdensome tax.  There's no unburdensome way for the 
federal government to confiscate a third of national income."  Some taxes 
bear more heavily on some people than others, so shifting between them may 
change how much of the burden a particular individual shares.  People 
naturally tend (and I do say tend) to support moving to a sytem that shifts 
some of the burden they bear to somebody else, or on keeping the status quo 
if the current system rests relatively little burden on themselves.  (As a 
case in point, a farmer showed up to listent to Indiana Senator Dick Lugar, 
campaigning for president in Iowa, speak about replacing the income tax with 
a sales tax.  The farmer felt no compunction at all about complaining that 
while under the income tax system he pays no tax, under a sales tax he'd pay 
a hefty tax.  He pays nothing and he thinks he's entitled to pay nothing 
while everyone else pays something.)

I can't imagine any tax that would be "neutral," but some might be less 
injurious to economic growth than others.  I'm not persuaded, however, that 
taxing consumption more heavily than income will discourage economic growth 
any less than taxing income more heavily than consumption, since the ultimate 
goal of producing income is to consume it anyway.

In a message dated 1/15/03 10:51:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< On Wednesday, January 15, 2003 7:11 PM Fred Foldvary [EMAIL PROTECTED]


> To achieve neutrality, unrealized gains should be

> taxed annually, and then we can forget about

> capital gains.

But this assumes that taxes can be neutral.  I would tend to agree with

Larry Sechrest here -- viz., there are no neutral taxes.  (Sechrest's

position is laid out in his "Rand, Anarchy, and Taxes" in _The Journal

of Ayn Rand Studies_ 1(2).)

Do any of you agree?


Dan >>

Neutral taxation?/was Re: questions about dividend tax cut

2003-01-15 Thread Technotranscendence
On Wednesday, January 15, 2003 7:11 PM Fred Foldvary [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To achieve neutrality, unrealized gains should be
> taxed annually, and then we can forget about
> capital gains.

But this assumes that taxes can be neutral.  I would tend to agree with
Larry Sechrest here -- viz., there are no neutral taxes.  (Sechrest's
position is laid out in his "Rand, Anarchy, and Taxes" in _The Journal
of Ayn Rand Studies_ 1(2).)

Do any of you agree?

