Whenever someone says that the government needs to stop immigration,
respond "there is constant immigration into my state, county, city and
neighborhood from other states, counties, cities and neighborhoods.  I
oppose laws to limit that.  Don't you?"  Then add: "there is constant
immigration into other states, counties, cities and neighborhoods, from my
state, county, city and neighborhood.  I oppose laws to limit that.  Don't
    Whenever someone says that the government needs to stop jobs from
leaving the country, respond "jobs are constantly leaving my state, county,
city and neighborhood and moving to other states, counties, cities and
neighborhoods.  I oppose laws to limit that.  Don't you?"  And add: "jobs
are constantly coming to my state, county, city and neighborhood from other
states, counties, cities and neighborhoods.  I oppose laws to limit that.
Don't you?"
    Whenever someone says that the government needs to stop trade
imbalances, respond "My state, county, city and neighborhood has constant
trade imbalances with other states, counties, cities and neighborhoods.  I
oppose laws to limit that.  Don't you?"

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