Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to analyse Affymetrix Mouse Diversity Array, extract BAF LRR 
using CRMA v2
I followed CRMA v2 vignette, and I get always an error during process()  :

20140319 18:52:29|      Reading probe intensities from 17 arrays...done
20140319 18:52:29|      Fitting probe-level model...
20140319 18:52:29|       Calling fitUnit() via lapply()
Erreur dans if (sampleAA * sampleBB > 0L) { :
  l'argument est de longueur nulle
Calls: fit ... fit.ProbeLevelModel -> <Anonymous> -> FUN -> nmfFcn -> 
De plus : Il y a eu 45 avis (utilisez warnings() pour les visionner)
20140319 18:55:34|      Fitting probe-level model...done
20140319 18:55:34|     Fitting chunk #1 of 6 of 'genotyping' units (code=2) 
with 4 groups/2+2+2+2 cells...done
20140319 18:55:34|    Unit dimension #1 (4 groups/2+2+2+2 cells) of 4...done
20140319 18:55:34|   Fitting the model by unit dimensions (at least for the 
large classes)...done
20140319 18:55:34|  Unit type #2 ('genotyping') of 2...done
20140319 18:55:34| Fitting NmfSnpPlm for each unit type separately...done
20140319 18:55:34|Fitting model of class NmfSnpPlm...done
Exécution arrêtée

All packages are updated with the latest releases.

here is sessionInfo()

here is the script

here is the logfile

Easy to reprodruce.
Thanks in advance for your time and ideas...


When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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