‘I like Aashiq banaya aapne’
While some may criticise Himesh Reshammiya’s style of composing, A R Rahman 
tells Deepali
Dhingra that he actually likes some of his music

    There are many ways to describe AR Rahman — hugely successful, genius, 
modest, low profile.
Add to that list — a great sense of humour! The music maestro, who turned 40 
yesterday, has
recently showcased his first ever English rendition Pray for me brother, to 
create awareness
about poverty in the world.
What is the idea behind the song ‘Pray for me brother’?
    The song is an anti-poverty anthem written by Blaze and me. I have sung the 
song. Today,
the whole world is looking at India in terms of growth and development. But 
it’s also a fact
that in a country where we have some of the richest people, there are farmers 
who are forced to
commit suicide because of poverty. This song is a starting point from my side.
You have had a very successful musical career so far. What’s the one thing that 
you have learnt
in these years?
    I think the one thing that keeps re-instating itself is being true to 
yourself. There’s a
conscience within everyone and if one is in equilibrium with one’s conscience, 
that’s what
You crossed an important milestone of your life when you turned 40 on January 
6. Do you think
age has anything to do with turning towards the immaterial?
    Strangely, my whole youth was spent with people who were in their 40s. I 
started working
when I was around 14 -15 years old. I think if you’re an artist, you’re born 
with a soft heart.
There has to be something beyond money that has to attract you.
As a music composer, you have been hugely successful but don’t you think you 
have not exploited
your full potential as a singer?
    I agree. As a singer, I got acceptance with Vande Mataram. Guru is probably 
the first time
I have done a romantic duet, something I have been trying to avoid.... (laughs).
Guru’s music is being appreciated by everyone. Why is it that when you pair up 
with Mani
Ratnam, the audience always expects a great score?
    I think it works two ways. People look forward to the music so there is 
pressure on us to
deliver. Secondly, there is a certain chemistry between Mani Ratnam and me 
which plays a great
Among the current crop of music composers, whose music do you listen to?
    There are loads of young composers who have the spark in them. Shankar, 
Ehsaan and Loy’s
music is great. Vishal Shekhar’s stuff and Kailash Shekhar’s music is good. 
Even some of Himesh
Reshammiya’s stuff is good, although some people say his style is repetitive. I 
like the song
Aashiq Banaya Aapne.
You have always maintained a low profile. Any particular reason?
    One reason is that I live far away (smiles). Second, it’s better to put my 
energies into my
work rather than just talking about it.


Thanks to Karthik for the tip-off

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