Dear Rahamaniacs!!!
i have been a silent member for a verrry long time and have enjoyed ur
analysis and discussions and fights and all that...the reason i didnt
really participate is that i felt a little out of place - i am much
older than most of u, i think - i am two years older than Rahman - and
also becos i think Rahman's music lives by itself - i have been hooked
on the Boss's music now since the Roja days and i think he is only
getting better and better and his singing is truly to die for!

what prompted me to write is simply that u guys are ignoring a gem of
a composition by the Boss - Marhaba from Al Risalah (am not too sure
of the title)
Rahman's rendition of this number is truly awe inspiring - his passion
drenched voice catches in ur throat and we feel what the boss is
feeling - fantastic singing and what a melody...

plz do listen to this comment...

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