Monthly should be fine.

Thanks & Regards
Kailashnath A J

From: ARSList [] On Behalf Of Misi Mladoniczky
Sent: 01 December 2017 14:51
Subject: First message on Mailman

Hi friends,

Now the Mailman should be up and running, and you should have received a 
welcome email.

The normal address should give you all the information you 
need if you forget anything, or if you want to search the archives.

Your old passwords has been discarded and you now have random passwords which 
was sent in the welcome email.

We now have 1443 regular subscribers and 586 digest subscribers.

The current digest setting is weekly. Let me know if this is too often, as I 
think the old digests were monthly...


Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, (ARSList MVP 2011)

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