
Can anyone confirm that this is the easiest way to set both VALUE, TYPE
and DATE on a currency field?

Set-Fields: CURRSETVALUE(CURRCONVERT("0", $char$, $date$), $real$)

In the above example, i use a real-type field, but it should work fine
with decimal or integer as well.

Another question concerns the actual values stored in the database, as the
currency conversion rates does not follow the currency-timestamp, but
instead uses the date of when the data was created.

I have three currency records wich are all set to 1000 USD.
The value for the EUR conversion is also stored in the database.

Mar 16, 2007/Mar 16, 2007/1000 USD/729 EUR
Mar 09, 2011/Mar 16, 2007/1000 USD/716 EUR
Mar 09, 2011/Jan 01, 2011/1000 USD/716 EUR

The conversion on Jan 01, 2011 should give me a value of 756 EUR per 1000

To me this looks like a bug, what do you think?

And by the way, the expand-box next to a currency field allways shows the
conversion rates today, it does not use the database values.

        Best Regards - Misi, RRR AB, http://www.rrr.se

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