Has anyone seen this error when attempting to start a netcool-Remedy
gateway, and does anyone know what might be causing it?
Jan 22 19:18:58 2008: G_REMEDY :Debug: Reader 'SERVER_READER': WAITING
Jan 22 19:18:58 2008: G_REMEDY :Debug: Reader 'SERVER_READER': Received
IDUC dat
a message.
Jan 22 19:18:58 2008: G_REMEDY :Debug: Reader 'SERVER_READER': Spliting
IDUC mes
Jan 22 19:18:58 2008: G_REMEDY :Error: Reader 'SERVER_READER': Failed to
split I
DUC message via SplitIDUCPacket().
Jan 22 19:18:58 2008: G_REMEDY :Debug: Reader 'SERVER_READER': Main loop
has bee
n terminated.
Jan 22 19:18:58 2008: G_REMEDY :Error: Reader 'SERVER_READER': Crashed
reader -
stopping server.
Jan 22 19:18:58 2008: G_REMEDY :Debug: Server Shutdown requested at
t level.





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