Dear fellow listers,

My first narrative music video is out and I thought I would share it with my 
Remedy family!   I am 
feeling quite blessed that through my hobby, I am able to do 
something good for the society and convey a good message.
 Synopsis of music video:
 'Follow' is a short narrative music video
 that casts a critical eye on surveillance within the Muslim-American 
community. Set to Professor A.L.I.’s Divina Commedia II: Purge Story, 
many of the motifs used in the video are intentionally derivative of 
political espionage thrillers that depict Islam and the followers of 
Islam as the enemy. 'Follow' is about the human right to freedom of 
religion, and the threat to all of our freedoms when any group is not 
allowed to openly follow and practice their beliefs.
 My character(J.D.):

 A guy who has got everything in his life but is empty from within and 
wants to do something substantial, but not sure what yet. While surfing 
channels on TV, he sees this Muslim leader(Imam) and gets attracted 
towards him and wants to know more about him and Islam religion. 
Eventually he finds his ultimate faith(even though Imam gets detained) 
and prepares himself to lead it and ultimately becomes a Muslim scholar 
and starts preaching it.
 What attracted me to do this film:

 I am Hindu myself. The Buddhist concept of "Ap Dipo Bhava"(Once Someone or 
Some Concept 
lights up your internal candle, go ahead and walk on the path on your 
own, much less lit other candles too on the way) was clearly seen and 
the fact that one is free to select any path to reach Ultimate Truth and
 follow it regardless of what anyone else thinks of it is what attracted
 me to do this film. I could clearly see a "setubandh"(cohesion) of 
ideas & religious/spiritual concepts with no friction in-between.

 P.S.: You will not see my name in the credits list and I am thankful to
 my director Stacey Goodman( for accepting my request.
 There is a personal reason for it (which I will reveal when right time 
comes) and it has nothing to do with the plot of the story. Not that I 
am boasting myself, but I did not take/demand any money for acting in 
this film(not that it is excellent LOL!) nor was there the budget, but 
for causes like this you don't take money. I was compensated for my gas 
expenses. I did it only because it had a great message for the society.
 If you like the message conveyed in this video, its my humble request, please 
share it and spread the word around.
Here's the link:

Btw, if you have time and are interested in watching (and laughing :) ), you 
can see some of my acting videos here (its in Hindi and English).

Have a great day everyone!

Best Regards,

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