I have a function that will change the case of the street address.  I can get 
it to change to proper case for the street names but when the street address is 
75TH STREET it converts it to 75Th Street.  I need it to be '75th Street' .  
Below is the function I'm using
  DECLARE @Reset bit
  DECLARE @Ret varchar(512)
  DECLARE @i int
  DECLARE @c char(1)
  SELECT @Reset = 1, @i=1, @Ret = ''
  WHILE @i <= LEN(@Text)
  SELECT @c= SUBSTRING(@Text,@i,1),
  @Ret = @Ret + CASE WHEN @Reset=1 THEN UPPER(@c) ELSE LOWER(@c) END,
  @Reset= CASE WHEN 
  CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-4,5) like '_[a-z] [DOL]''' THEN 1 
  WHEN SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-4,5) like '_[a-z] [D][I]' THEN 1 
  WHEN SUBSTRING(@Text,@i-4,5) like '_[a-z] [M][C]' THEN 1 
  ELSE 0 
  END = 1 
  THEN 1 
  ELSE CASE WHEN @c like '[a-zA-Z]' or @c in ('''') THEN 0 
  ELSE 1 
  @i = @i +1
  RETURN @Ret 

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