Performance Musik  Bambu Wukir dan Rod Cooper  Tanggal 2 Juni

Hi Teman2 Ruang Buday Mediterrazia,

Dengan senang hati, ruang budaya Kedai Mediterrazia mempersembahkan performance 
musik " Intersection" Wukir dan Rod Cooper pada Hari Rabu Tangal 2 Juni dan 
gratis. Datang dan menikmati!

Intersection adalah referensi terhadap musik dari dua budaya Rod Cooper dan 
Wukir. Konseptnya di dalam design dan konstruksi alat musik original.. dan alat 
musik ini menjadi katalyst. Wukir memakai Bamboo dam Rod Cooper memakai besi. 
Ini adalah explorasi musik yg baru dilihat di Bandung

Di Ruang Budaya Kedai Mediterrazia, jln Dago utara (100 me dari hotel Jayakarta 
menyeberang dari Alfamat Dago Atas). Telephone 0812 363 0893


Intersection refers to the two cultures of Wukir and Rod Cooper coming together 
in music and perfomance.
The connection is the design and construction of original instrument by Wukir 
and Rod Cooper.
The search for new sounds and music for both Artists is not possible with 
standardised instruments. They steer away from these conventions the materials 
used by each Artist
becomes the catalist for their creative explorations.
Wukir designs and constructs his Instuments from Bamboo and Rod Cooper uses 
And composition are improvisation an important part of both Artists work during 
perfomance and as a mechanism for creation at new work.

Terima Kasih - Juga New Menu Nasi Timbel Komplit, Nasi Timbel Pepes


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