Project no 5 : LIDAH BERCABANG ( Forked Tongue ) by Adhya Ranadireksa

Jl. Cigadung Raya Barat no 2 Bandung 40191

” Bagi saya organ tubuh adalah “badan halus” yang menghubungkan
tubuh luar dan ruh yang ada di dalam. Ruh tidak berkehendak, badan
haluslah yang berkehendak. Kembali pada kolonialisme, bagi saya tindak
penguasaan kolonialis membidik “badan halus” kita.”

” For me the body organ
is the “subtle body” that connect the outer body and spirit that’s in
there. Spirit is not willing, “subtle body” who willed. Back on
colonialism, for me, follow the colonial powers took aim our “subtle
–Adhya Ranadireksa

All works size:
57,7 x 70,7 cm. Printed Kodak Endura Met VC.
1 edition
More Info: http://infoplatform3.wordpress.com/coming-soon/project-no-5/




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