
We are attempting to use big_blast.pl and running into errors generating 
MSPcrunch output for import into ACT.

We're running big_blast.pl version:

"# $Header: /nfs/disk222/yeastpub/Repository/zoo/general/big_blast.pl,v
1.23 2000/11/27 09:44:12 kmr Exp $"

We're running blast+ as follows:

/v/apps/ncbi-blast-2.2.26+/bin/blastn -query
../../human_screen/nohost_2.fa -db
../../../../Ichthyosporea/Ichthyosporea_874  -out
Ichthyosporea_874.2.blast6.txt -outfmt 6 -dust yes

We've installed the Pathogen Sequencing Unit's internal Perl
module, which the script appears to find.
When we run big_blast.pl we get the following error and 0 length output:"
pened Ichthyosporea_874.1.blast6.txt.crunch for writing
Couldn't read any blast results from Ichthyosporea_874.1.blast6.txt
wrote Ichthyosporea_874.1.blast6.txt.crunch and

We've checked the manual which suggests outfmt 6 with blast+.
The mailing list archives didn't have much coverage  of blast+. Is there an 
updated option we need to pass to
big_blast.pl or blast+? We've attached a sample of the output we are
working with. We've also tried  uncommenting the other blast parse from file 
line 326 to no avail, Perl can't find the blast parsing module used.
We would appreciate any insight into how to generate blast+ output suitable for 
input into ACT.



HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:10245:2034/1      gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
100.00  44      0       0       7       50      369     326     1e-20   82.4
HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:11520:2249/1      gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
94.00   50      3       0       1       50      872     921     5e-19   76.8
HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:14190:2151/1      gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
97.06   34      1       0       17      50      1225    1258    2e-13   58.4
HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:15916:2193/1      gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
100.00  32      0       0       1       32      563     532     5e-14   60.2
HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:13419:2341/1      gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
92.86   42      3       0       1       42      1416    1375    1e-14   62.1
HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:19627:2320/1      gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
97.06   34      1       0       2       35      404     371     2e-13   58.4
HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:1934:2617/1       gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
100.00  42      0       0       1       42      930     889     1e-19   78.7
HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:6522:2679/1       gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
100.00  43      0       0       1       43      931     889     4e-20   80.5
HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:15393:2560/1      gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
97.06   34      1       0       4       37      734     701     2e-13   58.4
HWI-XXXX:359:C08U0ACXX:6:1101:11230:2848/1      gi|30421126|gb|AY267345.1|      
97.06   34      1       0       1       34      1397    1430    2e-13   58.4
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