Dear radiative transfer friend,

We are pleased to announce a new workshop in the series of "ARTS workshops". You don't need to be an ARTS user or developer to participate, the workshop is open for all with an interest in atmospheric radiative transfer. There is normally a strong focus on microwave to infrared radiative transfer, but also other wavelength regions are of interest.

The place is the same as last time, Kristineberg (about 100 km north of Gothenburg). Time for the actual workshop: September 6-8 (Wednesday morning to Friday lunch). We will arrange transport between Gothenburg and Kristineberg, and it will departure from Gothenburg around 15.00 September 5. That is you need to arrive to Gothenburg not too late Sep 5, and should have possibility to travel back Sep 8.

The general goal of the workshop is as usual, that the ARTS user community (and also people working with other RT models) can meet, get to know each other, solve practical problems, and discuss the further development of the program. As always, we will have only a relatively small number of talks, and instead more time for group work and discussions. The present/planned main development of ARTS is directed towards
- Faster scattering calculations
- Running OEM inside ARTS
- Non-LTE
but the workshop is not restricted to these topics.

If you are interested in participating, then please fill in the pre-registration form at

in order to allow us plan the program. The deadline for pre-registration is March 31. Since the available space at Kristineberg is limited, we have to limit the meeting to roughly 25 persons. If more persons are interested, it will be first come first served.

Kristineberg is a marine research station. The station offers full board and lodging, but the number of rooms is limited and most workshop participants will need to share double rooms. At the moment there are only three single rooms at hand. If you require a single room indicate this under Comments. Transport to/from Gothenburg is arranged at start/end of workshop. You only pay for room and food at Kristineberg. We can not yet give you en exact price, but it should be in the order of 250 euro.

We send our best regards and hope to see you at Kristineberg,

Patrick Eriksson,
Stefan Buehler

arts_dev.mi mailing list

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