Dear all,

here is an advertisement of open PhD positions. Please forward to anyone who 
you think is a promising candidate.

Best wishes,


3 PhD positions on drivers of tropical circulation at Uni Hamburg/MPIM/CliCCS

We are seeking three PhD candidates, who are interested to work on different 
aspects of the drivers of tropical circulation:

PhD1: diabatic processes in the upper troposphere
PhD1 will study the factors influencing upper tropospheric humidity and 
high-level clouds in the tropics with the goal to better understand high-cloud 
feedbacks on climate. The candidate will test emerging ideas concerning the 
role of radiation in the middle and upper troposphere, exploring the role of 
water vapor variability, ice clouds and mid-level convection. He/she will be 
using idealized and realistic numerical simulations and deploy insights from 
modelling to pose process related questions to satellite observations.

PhD2: spatial organization of precipitation in shallow convection
PhD2 will study controls of spatial organization of precipitation in shallow 
convection. He/she will analyze the role of variability of updrafts and cloud 
top heights to deposit moisture aloft and to initiate precipitation. The 
candidate will explore machine learning approaches to detect structures of 
clouds and precipitation from limited samples such as airborne measurements and 
will be involved in the EUREC4A campaign.

PhD3: propagation of organized tropical convection  
PhD3 will apply the balanced/unbalanced decomposition of global circulation to 
study the role of large-scale Rossby modes in the subtropics on the zonal 
propagation of organized tropical convection along the equator (e.g. 
Madden–Julian oscillation). The candidate with enthusiasm for numerical 
modelling will employ a hierarchy of models to evaluate nonlinear features of 
dry and moist Rossby and Kelvin wave dynamics in the tropics and their impact 
on the mean tropical circulation.

The PhD candidates will be part of the cluster of excellence “Climate, Climatic 
Change, and Society” (CliCCS) and be members of our graduate school IMPRS-ESM 
which aims to help young academics thrive through all stages of their training. 
PhD1 and PhD2 will be part of the newly established CliCCS working group on 
drivers of tropical circulation (link), which is a joint working group between 
the University of Hamburg and the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. PhD3 
will be a member of the theoretical meteorology group at the University of 
Hamburg and coupled to the above CliCCS working group. 

For more details see:
 Application deadline is 28. February 2019.

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