
As far as I know there are no available data for such large hail particles.

How you can calculate the scattering properties depends mainly on the size parameter, i.e. the ratio between particle size and wavelength. Accordingly, it would help to know the frequencies you want to simulate.

If I guess that you want at least to cover 30 GHz, then it will be a challenge to use DDA if you really want to do 10 cm particles.

In any case, to get started the simplest option seems to be use Mie code. That is, to assume the hail to be spherical, maybe combined with "mixing model" to set an effective refractive index. I think there is some special Mie code that handles layered spheres that could be interesting to explore.

To give you some quick feedback.



On 2021-06-21 16:18, Enzo Papandrea wrote:


we would like to simulate “hail particles" of considerable size (e.g. 5 cm and 
10 cm) using ARTS.
The properties, needed as input are not available in the ARTS distribution (the 
maximum size is 1 cm) but we read that there is the possibility to calculate 
them through some tools.

Could you please suggest which is the easiest tool we can use? Or, even better, 
is there the possibility to download already per-computed lookup tables?
Thank you for your support

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