>> Would I be correct in guessing that this Apache::ASP application is 
brand new..?

Well, there have been the usual updates to the perl modules, but I have been 
running apache::asp on the site since ~2000.  But as I generally only use 
apache::asp to embed the perl, rather than to replace the CGI functionality, it 
could be that the problem is longer lasting. I have access data from 
$Request->Form before, but not for a long while.

I am assuming the problem related to how apache::asp and mod_perl are 
interacting on my system.  For a few asp versions, I had to patch ASP.pm to get 
it to run at all (ala this advice: 
http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/modperl/asp/82238; basically testing for 
correct mod_perl version).  But with the latest version of the module, that did 
not seem to be necessary.   I suspect it is this because of the error I 
mentioned in my first note:

Can't locate object method "request" via package "Apache" at 
/home/httpd/html-MBA/Users/InputForms/MetaManager4.html line 93. <--> , 
/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/Apache/ASP.pm line 1522

Anyhow, I will keep digging; perhaps try a reinstall. Thanks for you 


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