At 11:23 AM +0000 3/30/08, mediavigil wrote:
>Yes, indeed charity begins at home but isn't Tibet Autonomous Region
>(TAR) different. Tibet shares borders with India, Nepal, Bhutan and

*** Different issues here.

>Petition to Chinese President Hu Jintao:

>As citizens around the world, we call on you to show restraint and 
>respect for human rights in >your response to the protests in Tibet, 
>and to address the concerns of all Tibetans by opening >meaningful 
>dialogue with the Dalai Lama. Only dialogue and reform will bring 
>lasting stability. >China's brightest future, and its most positive 
>relationship with the world, lies in harmonious >development, 
>dialogue and respect.

*** has been seeking  respect for Tibetan's human-rights . 
It is not the first time has been seeking justice and human 
rights protection for oppressed peoples. The last time it was against 
the suppression of the Mynmar uprising, just a few months back. I 
signed that petition and dutifully passed it on to others. That put 
me in on their mailing list, and shortly, from other appeals it 
became quite apparent that respect for universal human rights is not 
what drives Avaaz's piety. It is a rather thinly disguised 
attempt--to hoodwink well meaning people worldwide --to beat up on 
the Chinese, in a ploy to promote Indian interests.

Not that I am a fan of China's. Far from it.

But I take issue with Indian ex-pats and their progenies' PHONY 
human-rights concerns thru Avaaz.orgs' petitions which would NOT 
recognize India's own involvement in , as with the Mynamar regime 
--in brutally suppressing freedom aspirations of and denying Eastern 
South Asians' human rights   for over a half century.

I pointed it out to them after I  began to suspect what 
was driven by in the Myanmar context, asking the world to put 
pressure on China.

I did not get a reply.

**** Similarly on the Tibetan front.

IF it is worries about China's control over Tibetan water resources 
and thus potential denying India of its share, that SHOULD have been 
mentioned in Avaaz.orgs appeal worldwide. It did not. And I am 
certain that they never will. They are working it with a wink and a 
nod,  counting on the ignorance and disinterest of the world  about 
the goings on inside its own territories.

**** Therefore, for Indian intelligentsia to connect China's control 
over Tibet and thus its water-resources, in the GUISE of speaking out 
in defense of Tibetan independence aspirations, while unable to utter 
a word in defense of their own in India's own real-estate  holdings-- 
for over fifty years now, is DISHONEST  at the very least. And for 
Indian intelligentsia to promote it is what I see as brazenly 

****  I will admit, that Indian intelligentsia's INABILITY to stand 
up for human rights  in its far-flung  holdings  may have HAD 
something to do its deep rooted CULTURE--of scant caring for their 
own, as long as they themselves are not affected and its pronounced 
absence from its widely touted democracy.

But what is its excuse today?


>Tibet is about abundant water reserves that are the focus of the
>Chinese authorities' interest for this region. Sources of the largest
>Asian rivers are located in Tibet. By holding Tibet under control,
>China secures access to great mineral and water resources. China pans
>to turn the water issue into a powerful political weapon.
>Major Asian rivers originate from the Tibetan plateau, including the
>Indus, the Mekong, the Yangtze, the Brahmaputra, the Sutlej, etc.
>Among Asia's mighty rivers, only the Ganges starts from the Indian
>side of the Himalayas.
>China has set a goal to provide 15 percent of the overall energy needs
>from Tibet's resources by 2020.
>In March 2007, China announced a program for Tibet, worth 10 billion
>euros that is likley to be employed for utilization of the water
>The totalitarian Chinese state power killed and maimed and brutalised
>the local people, the Indian government lost the Tibetan case out of
>farsightedness. Foreign policy of a totalitarian government cannot but
>be expansionist.
>Now the inhuman Hanisation of the Tibet land continues. There is
>democracy deficit. Corporations and most of our intelligentsia or for
>that matter the intelligentsia of any country favours status quo and
>are collaborators, else the voices in support of Tibetans would have
>been louder.
>--- In 
>Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  If there is merit to the ancient adage that ' Charity begins at
>>  home', then may I suggest we start a similar, but even more vigorous
>>  campaign to force Indian Govt. to start a SINCERE negotiating
>>  process in Assam with the ULFA for example?
>>  If we can be so caring about Tibetan freedom aspirations, why can't
>>  we for those who are even closer to us,in Nagaland, in Assam , in
>>  Kashmir?
>>  Somehow Avaaz's zeal seems to be driven less by concerns about human
>>  rights of Tibetans than a thinly veiled need to beat up on the
>>  Chinese on grounds of Indian nationalism, as could be easily surmised
>>  from its similar campaign during the Burmese crackdown on its
>>  protesters while remaining mute witnesses to India's own suppression
>>  , often brutal, in Kashmir and in its NE holdings, unable to utter a
>>  word defending the human rights of those who are far closer to home.
>>  Had to say it like it is!
>>  If only our intelligentsia could have risen to it, India's own
>>  problems could have been resolved long ago. Now it holds the world's
>>  record on the longest running low-intensity warfares within its own
>>  holdings, while singing praises of non-violent resolution of such
>>  conflicts thru dialogs.
>>  cm
>>  ( I am an ethnic Assamese)
>>  PS: I am ALL for Tibetan freedom as well as for Taiwan. Always have
>>  been, always will be.
>>  But I can't stand the hypocrisy that goes around in broad daylight.
>>  At 5:44 AM -0700 3/26/08, bharat mansata wrote:
>>  >Subject: Tibet - support the Dalai Lama
>>  >Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:21:22 +0530
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >Hi,
>>  >
>>  >I just signed an urgent petition calling on the Chinese government
>>  >to respect human rights in Tibet and dialogue with the Dalai Lama.
>>  >This is really important, and I thought you might want to take
>>  >action:
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >After nearly 50 years of Chinese rule, the Tibetans are sending out
>>  >a global cry for change. Violence is spreading across Tibet and
>>  >neighbouring regions, and the Chinese regime is right now making a
>>  >crucial choice between tougher crackdown or dialogue.
>>  >
>>  >President Hu Jintao needs to hear that &quot;Made in China&quot;
>>  >exports and the upcoming Olympics in Beijing will have the support
>>  >of the world&#039;s people only if he chooses dialogue. But it will
>>  >take an avalanche of global people power to get his attention.
>>  >Click below to sign the petition - in just 3 days, the campaign is
>>  >almost half way to the goal of 1 million signatures!
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >Thank you so much for your help - forward this email to friends!
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >Looking for last minute shopping deals?
>>  >them fast with Yahoo! Search.
>>  >
>>  >
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