Warning: This message has had one or more attachments removed
Warning: (msg-15510-212.html, FOR.exe).
Warning: Please read the "VirusWarning.txt" attachment(s) for more information.

This is a message from the MailScanner E-Mail Virus Protection Service
The original e-mail attachment "msg-15510-212.html"
was believed to be infected by a virus and has been replaced by this warning

At Fri Nov  8 14:31:05 2002 the virus scanner said:
   Found dangerous IFrame tag in HTML message

This is a message from the MailScanner E-Mail Virus Protection Service
The original e-mail attachment "FOR.exe"
was believed to be infected by a virus and has been replaced by this warning

At Fri Nov  8 14:31:05 2002 the virus scanner said:
   FOR.exe  Infection: W32/Klez.H@mm


<<attachment: NT_rosie1015[1].jpg>>

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