Dear Colleague,
I am writing to ask your help for a book I am writing about Life Practices.
I am looking for examples of those simple things that we all do that are
essential to expressing and maintaining our values as we face life's ups and
downs - our Life Practices.
What I am seeking is a bit like folklore. Something with a story and an easy
to remember slogan or catchphrase.  I am asking you to contribute out of your own
personal experience not as an official representative of an organization.
So far I have gathered over 150 practices from people all over the world: These
examples of contributions I have received so far may help clarify what I am looking 
" 'Water what you want to grow' is my motto. Whenever I see something being
done well I acknowledge it as soon as possible and in some tangible way. The
least that I do is to complement the person doing the thing well. What I try
to do more often is write a note to the person or give them a small gift."
"My life changed when I went from seeing mistakes as awful to seeing them
as the first chapter of a textbook on a new subject. I even had this made
into a sign that hangs on the wall in my office. 'Mistakes are just chapter
one in a textbook on a new subject' Now I get bothered if I don't have some
sort of royal screw-up every few days. It's like I am not trying."
"I learned from my grandfather to 'use the best materials you can afford.'
This has provided a model for my life's work. Even in my late 70's I am
still actively building things and more to the point of your book, I am
still building my life out of "the best materials I can afford."
These practices come from people from many places and with a wide
variety of backgrounds. I am grateful for that. I want to show the broadest possible
view of Life Practices from around the globe.  And, at a time when there is so much
mistrust in the world, I hope my book does some small part in reminding us that we 
even though we have differences, we still have much to learn from one another.
The book will feature some of the material I gather with some commentary.
I will be grateful if you would send me a practice that you use as a foundation in 
your life.
Please include some brief biographical information as well. Also, if you would like to 
share in what I am learning, please let me know as well.
And please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you for your consideration.
Steve Lawler
About me:
Steve Lawler is an ethics consultant and writer based in St Louis, Missouri USA.
He regularly gives workshops on issues of ethics, values and culture. He has  
been quoted in a number of related pieces in publications including the Wall Street 
Journal, The Christian Science Monitor and Lawler has worked with 
companies in the US and Europe - including Monsanto, Pulitzer Publishing, and the 
Danforth Foundation. He has been a lecturer at Washington University and at Webster 
University. He has written for numerous publications.   

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