The website of the Brahmaputra Literary Festival 2018  :

Brahmaputra Literary Festival :

Literary Festivals, today, are generally perceived to be an important platform 
for the promotion of books and reading. The Brahmaputra Literary Festival not 
only proposes to focus on the languages, literatures, culture, society, 
politics, performance traditions, music, identity, media of the north-eastern 
region of the country, but also national and international elements packaged in 
the three day event. It brings together prominent personalities and 
celebrities, writers, thinkers, artists and other performers both from the 
northeast and across the country as well as internationally acknowledged 
litterateurs and other intellectuals from across disciplines. This get together 
will not only encourage new ideas and their dissemination but will also create 
an atmosphere of enthusiasm and offer a platform for intellectual exchanges. 
The basic components of the festival will include panel discussions on issues 
concerning books, literature and language, In-Conversation sessions with 
writers, reading sessions, book signing sessions as well as cultural programmes 
showcasing indigenous cultures.

Where :

Srimanta Sankardev Kalakshetra

Guwahati, Assam

When :
Friday to Sunday

Feb 9th to 11th Feb, 2018 .


সমাজৰ কাৰণে ভাল কাম কৰাজনৰ পৰিচয় ৰাইজৰ আগত দাঙি ধৰিব লাগে আৰু ভাল খবৰবোৰ যিমান 
পাৰি ৰাইজৰ মাজত বিলাব লাগে। ----  বুলজিৎ বুঢ়াগোহাঁই
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