I'm just starting to learn assembler, so I started with 'Hello World' and
also printing the sum of 2 numbers. Snippet of the code is below and it
works fine:

         OPEN  (SYSPRINT,(OUTPUT)) Write output here
         L     3,NUM1          Load first number in R3
         L     4,NUM2          Load 2nd   number in R4
         AR    4,3             Add contents of R4 and R3 and store
*                                 in R4
         PUT   SYSPRINT,MSG01    Write Hello World to SYSPRINT
*        Output the value in RESULT
         MVC   MSG01,=C'Result=    '
         CVD   R4,CONV1
         UNPK  MSG01B,CONV1+4(4)
         OI    MSG01B+6,X'F0'
         PUT   SYSPRINT,MSG01
         CLOSE (SYSPRINT)        Close SYSPRINT
NUM1     DC    F'9'              Hardcoded first number
NUM2     DC    F'4'              Hardcoded second number
SYSPRINT DCB   DDNAME=SYSPRINT,                                        +
               MACRF=(PM),                                             +
*        Output line: Fields add to 80
*         DC - Character field
*         DS - Numeric field
MSG01    DC    CL11'Hello World'       Store string here
MSG01B   DS    CL7                     numeric field
MSG01B2  DC    C' '
MSG01C   DC    CL62' '                    padding
         END   NEWTON3           End of program

But the printing part doesn't work if NUM1 & NUM2 have decimal points
(e.g. 4.3 & 6.1).  If I use ADBR to add the 2 numbers and store as BFP and
try to print that, I get garbage. Can someone show what has to change in
the code for this to work? Thanks.

         L     3,NUM1          Load first number in R3
         L     4,NUM2          Load 2nd   number in R4
         ADBR    4,3             Add contents of R4 and R3 and store
*                                 in R4

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