Ok I have read every line in the wiki for call parking.


I need to perform a simple call parking that upon timeout will ALWAYS
rings back to the extension that actually parked the call.

Am I just crazy or is this not possible.

>It has been narrowed down to the CONTEXT the call was originally
located in.

>I need to figure a way within the parking application to set the
extension I want the call to ring back to.

>Specifically I want to set it to always ring back to the phone that
parked it.

>Example, below…..

>When the call rings only a specific phone http://pastebin.ca/2452  the
>context it originates from aa_1,2204,1 therefore when it times out it
rings >back to the phone that parked it (2204)


>When the call rings all three phones http://pastebin.ca/2453 the
context it >originates from is ext-group,700,3 and when it times out it
tries to ring >back to that
>Context and the entire house of cards falls apart.

>Is there a way to tell parking where specifically (or at least which
>context you want it to be sent back to) to send the timeout ringback


>My setup…. Asterisk 1.0.1 with the AMP config environment.

>NOW The problem

>A call comes in and goes to a call group (700) in this case.  This call
group then rings 3 extensions (2203, 2204, 2201)
>I can pick up the call and place it into parking .  I am then able to
grab the call out of parking slot with no problems.

>If I let the call in the parking slot, upon it timing out, the person
who was parked gets a loud screeching noise and the call is eventually

>I have it narrowed down to the following.

>When the call is parked from the auto attendant the ring back is set to

><snip from pastebin.ca/2452 >    ******* Works Correctly and send call
back to the extension that parked the call ******

><snip from pastebin.ca/2453 >    ******* DOES NOT Work Correctly

078   == Parked Zap/3-1 on 701. Will timeout back to ext-group,700,3 in
45 seconds
079     -- Playing 'digits/7' (language 'en')
080     -- Playing 'digits/0' (language 'en')
081     -- Playing 'digits/1' (language 'en')
082     -- Stopped music on hold on Zap/3-1
083     -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Zap/3-1
084     -- Added extension '701' priority 1 to parkedcalls
085   == Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 1) exited KEEPALIVE in macro
'dial' on 'Zap/3-1'
086   == Spawn extension (macro-rg-group, s, 4) exited KEEPALIVE in
macro 'rg-group' on 'Zap/3-1'
087   == Spawn extension (ext-group, 700, 3) exited KEEPALIVE on
088   == Timeout for Zap/3-1 parked on 701. Returning to ext-group,700,3

Anyone willing to assist in determining how to make the call group
actually set the ringback extension to the actual extension that did the
parking would be most appreciated.

Thanks for your time list.

Files which may be helpful.

http://pastebin.ca/2452   Manager debug messages of working parking
http://pastebin.ca/2453   Manager Debug messages of NON_Functional
http://pastebin.ca/2454   Extensions.conf
http://pastebin.ca/2455   Extensions_additional.conf 


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