I have posted a link to the tarball of my rather simple AGI script that
allows a user to input a Zip Code (USA only) via DTMF and have the
current weather conditions spoken to them.  This is the first release
and I'm sure it will have some bugs.  It requires a few modules from
CPAN and the asterisk-perl AGI interface.  It's a very small script.

Available at http://www.fnords.org/~eric/asterisk/


Sample configs and more: http://www.fnords.org/~eric/asterisk/

BTEL Consulting
+1-850-484-4535 x2111 (Pensacola)
+1-504-595-3916 x2111 (New Orleans)
+1-877-677-9643 x2111 (Toll Free)
This message has been 'sanitized'.  This means that potentially
dangerous content has been rewritten or removed.  The following
log describes which actions were taken.

Sanitizer (start="1064266495"):
  ParseHeader ():
    Using Eric Wieling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as reply-to address.
    Using <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> as errors address.
    Got MIME info: _disposition="inline", _encoding="7bit", _type="text/plain", boundary="", charset="iso-8859-1"

  Finished parsing message header.
  Forcing message to be multipart/mixed, to facilitate logging.
  Parsing body as text/plain
  Writer (pos="761"):
    Set MIME info to: _encoding="8bit", _type="multipart/mixed", boundary="MIMEStream=_0+342_4934350964362533_64804639686"
    Part (pos="835"):
      ParseHeader ():
        Got MIME info: _disposition="inline", _encoding="7bit", _type="text/plain", boundary="", charset="iso-8859-1"

      Parsing body as text/*
      Added 1 bytes of scratch space.
      Writer (pos="602"):
        Set MIME info to: _disposition="inline", _encoding="7bit", _type="text/plain", boundary="", charset="iso-8859-1"

    Total modifications so far: 1
    Added 1 bytes of scratch space.

Anomy 0.0.0 : Sanitizer.pm
$Id: Sanitizer.pm,v 1.79 2003/06/19 19:22:00 bre Exp $

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