Hi Gurus,

We have configured asterisk to trunk with avaya with ooh323 channel driver. The 
sip phone registered on asterisk
can dial the extensions registered on avaya via this trunk , and vice versa 
works too. Even we can make the avaya branch to dial asterisk’s extension and 
then this extension dial back to another avaya’s extension.

But if we dial the external DID number via this trunk from asterisk extension , 
it always fails. 

Have anyone experienced such issue, and share me the experiences? 

On avaya ,  it report the below message,
time            data

16:47:30     Calling party trunk-group 7 member 1  cid 0xef2
16:47:30     Calling Number & Name 7002 Tony
16:47:30     active trunk-group 7 member 1  cid 0xef2
16:47:30     dial 03 route:ARS
16:47:30     denial event 1367: BCC incompatibility D1=0x830007 D2=0xef2
16:47:30     dial 03 route:ARS
16:47:30     term trunk-group 7    cid 0xef2
16:47:30     idle trunk-group 7    cid 0xef2
16:47:42     Calling party trunk-group 7 member 1  cid 0xef7
16:47:42     Calling Number & Name 7002 Tony
16:47:42     active trunk-group 7 member 1  cid 0xef7
16:47:42     dial 03 route:ARS
16:47:42     denial event 1367: BCC incompatibility D1=0x830007 D2=0xef7
16:47:42     dial 03 route:ARS
16:47:42     term trunk-group 7    cid 0xef7
list trace tac #07                                                     Page   2

                                LIST TRACE

time            data
16:47:42     idle trunk-group 7    cid 0xef7
16:47:47     Calling party trunk-group 7 member 1  cid 0xefa
16:47:47     Calling Number & Name 7002 Tony
16:47:47     active trunk-group 7 member 1  cid 0xefa
16:47:47     dial 03 route:ARS
16:47:47     denial event 1367: BCC incompatibility D1=0x830007 D2=0xefa
16:47:47     dial 03 route:ARS
16:47:47     term trunk-group 7    cid 0xefa
16:47:47     idle trunk-group 7    cid 0xefa

list trace previous                                                    Page   1

                                LIST TRACE

time            data

17:46:16     Calling party trunk-group 7 member 1  cid 0x1289
17:46:16     Calling Number & Name 7002 Tony
17:46:16     active trunk-group 7 member 1  cid 0x1289
17:46:16     dial 03 route:ARS
17:46:16     term trunk-group 3    cid 0x1289
17:46:16     G729 ss:off ps:20
             rgn:1 []:7968
             rgn:1 []:2232
17:46:16     xoip options: fax:Relay modem:off tty:US  (igc)
             xoip ip: []:7968
17:46:16     xoip options: fax:Relay modem:off tty:US  (igc)
             xoip ip: []:2232
17:46:16     G729 ss:off ps:20
             rgn:1 []:7968
             rgn:1 []:2232                                         
17:46:16     dial 039129051 route:ARS
17:46:16     route-pattern  2 preference 1  cid 0x1289
17:46:16     seize trunk-group 3 member 17  cid 0x1289
17:46:16     Setup digits 39129051
17:46:16     Calling Number & Name 7002 Tony
17:46:16     Proceed trunk-group 3 member 17  cid 0x1289
17:46:16     denial event 1204: Bearer cap not implem D1=0x830007 D2=0x241
17:46:16     idle trunk-group 3 member 17  cid 0x1289                    

The below is the configuration & logs, 

Avaya : AVAYA G650 S8800
Asterisk: 1.4.31

Ooh323 config:
Objective Open H.323 Channel Driver's Config:
H.225 port range:   12030-12230
FastStart           yes
Tunneling           yes
CallerId            asterisk
MediaWaitForConnect no
Gatekeeper:         No Gatekeeper
H.323 LogFile:      /var/log/asterisk/h323_log
Context:            default
Capability:         0xf (g723|gsm|ulaw|alaw)
DTMF Mode:          rfc2833
AccountCode:        ast_h323
AMA flags:          Unknown
        100                             ObjSysAsterisk  

Avaya codecs setting:
1 G729
2 g711a
3 g711mu

ip=   ; UPDATE with appropriate ip address
port=1720    ; UPDATE with appropriate port

18:44:37:802  Using configured media info (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:802  Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:802  Building reverse olc. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:802  Receive channel of type audio started (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:802  FastStart Element = {
18:44:37:802     forwardLogicalChannelNumber = {
18:44:37:802        1003
18:44:37:802     }
18:44:37:802     forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:803        dataType = {
18:44:37:803           nullData = {
18:44:37:803              NULL
18:44:37:803           }
18:44:37:803        }
18:44:37:803        multiplexParameters = {
18:44:37:803           none = {
18:44:37:804              NULL
18:44:37:804           }
18:44:37:804        }
18:44:37:804     }
18:44:37:804     reverseLogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:804        dataType = {
18:44:37:804           audioData = {
18:44:37:805              gsmFullRate = {
18:44:37:805                 audioUnitSize = {
18:44:37:805                    132
18:44:37:805                 }
18:44:37:806                 comfortNoise = {
18:44:37:806                    FALSE
18:44:37:806                 }
18:44:37:806                 scrambled = {
18:44:37:807                    FALSE
18:44:37:807                 }
18:44:37:807              }
18:44:37:807           }
18:44:37:808        }
18:44:37:808        multiplexParameters = {
18:44:37:808           h2250LogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:808              sessionID = {
18:44:37:808                 1
18:44:37:808              }
18:44:37:809              mediaChannel = {
18:44:37:809                 unicastAddress = {
18:44:37:809                    iPAddress = {
18:44:37:809                       network = {
18:44:37:809                          'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:809                       }
18:44:37:810                       tsapIdentifier = {
18:44:37:810                          16782
18:44:37:810                       }
18:44:37:810                    }
18:44:37:810                 }
18:44:37:810              }
18:44:37:810              mediaControlChannel = {
18:44:37:810                 unicastAddress = {
18:44:37:811                    iPAddress = {
18:44:37:811                       network = {
18:44:37:811                          'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:811                       }
18:44:37:811                       tsapIdentifier = {
18:44:37:811                          16783
18:44:37:812                       }
18:44:37:812                    }
18:44:37:812                 }
18:44:37:812              }
18:44:37:812           }
18:44:37:812        }
18:44:37:812     }
18:44:37:812  }
18:44:37:812  Added RX fs element 3 with capability OO_GSMFULLRATE(outgoing, 
18:44:37:812  Building OpenLogicalChannel for transmit Capability (outgoing, 
18:44:37:812  Session id for transmit channel of type audio has to be provided 
by remote.(outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:812  Adding new media channel for cap 18 dir transmit (outgoing, 
18:44:37:812  Adding new channel with cap 18 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:812  Using configured media info (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:812  Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:812  Building forward olc. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:812  FastStart Element = {
18:44:37:812     forwardLogicalChannelNumber = {
18:44:37:812        1004
18:44:37:812     }
18:44:37:812     forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:812        dataType = {
18:44:37:812           audioData = {
18:44:37:813              gsmFullRate = {
18:44:37:813                 audioUnitSize = {
18:44:37:813                    132
18:44:37:813                 }
18:44:37:813                 comfortNoise = {
18:44:37:813                    FALSE
18:44:37:813                 }
18:44:37:813                 scrambled = {
18:44:37:813                    FALSE
18:44:37:814                 }
18:44:37:814              }
18:44:37:814           }
18:44:37:814        }
18:44:37:814        multiplexParameters = {
18:44:37:814           h2250LogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:814              sessionID = {
18:44:37:814                 1
18:44:37:814              }
18:44:37:814              mediaControlChannel = {
18:44:37:814                 unicastAddress = {
18:44:37:815                    iPAddress = {
18:44:37:815                       network = {
18:44:37:815                          'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:815                       }
18:44:37:815                       tsapIdentifier = {
18:44:37:815                          16783
18:44:37:815                       }
18:44:37:816                    }
18:44:37:816                 }
18:44:37:816              }
18:44:37:816           }
18:44:37:816        }
18:44:37:816     }
18:44:37:816  }
18:44:37:816  Added TX fs element 4 with capability OO_GSMFULLRATE(outgoing, 
18:44:37:816  Preffered capability at index 2 is OO_G711ULAW64K. (outgoing, 
18:44:37:816  Using call specific capabilities in faststart of setup message. 
(outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:816  Building olcs with capability OO_G711ULAW64K. (outgoing, 
18:44:37:816  Building OpenLogicalChannel for Receive  Capability (outgoing, 
18:44:37:816  Session id for receive channel of type audio has to be provided 
by remote.(outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:816  Adding new media channel for cap 4 dir receive (outgoing, 
18:44:37:816  Adding new channel with cap 4 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:816  Using configured media info (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:816  Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:816  Building reverse olc. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:816  Receive channel of type audio started (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:816  FastStart Element = {
18:44:37:816     forwardLogicalChannelNumber = {
18:44:37:816        1005
18:44:37:816     }
18:44:37:816     forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:816        dataType = {
18:44:37:816           nullData = {
18:44:37:817              NULL
18:44:37:817           }
18:44:37:817        }
18:44:37:817        multiplexParameters = {
18:44:37:817           none = {
18:44:37:817              NULL
18:44:37:817           }
18:44:37:817        }
18:44:37:817     }
18:44:37:817     reverseLogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:817        dataType = {
18:44:37:817           audioData = {
18:44:37:817              g711Ulaw64k = {
18:44:37:817                 240
18:44:37:817              }
18:44:37:818           }
18:44:37:818        }
18:44:37:818        multiplexParameters = {
18:44:37:818           h2250LogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:818              sessionID = {
18:44:37:818                 1
18:44:37:818              }
18:44:37:818              mediaChannel = {
18:44:37:818                 unicastAddress = {
18:44:37:818                    iPAddress = {
18:44:37:818                       network = {
18:44:37:819                          'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:819                       }
18:44:37:819                       tsapIdentifier = {
18:44:37:819                          16782
18:44:37:819                       }
18:44:37:819                    }
18:44:37:820                 }
18:44:37:820              }
18:44:37:820              mediaControlChannel = {
18:44:37:820                 unicastAddress = {
18:44:37:820                    iPAddress = {
18:44:37:820                       network = {
18:44:37:820                          'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:820                       }
18:44:37:821                       tsapIdentifier = {
18:44:37:821                          16783
18:44:37:821                       }
18:44:37:821                    }
18:44:37:821                 }
18:44:37:821              }
18:44:37:821           }
18:44:37:821        }
18:44:37:821     }
18:44:37:822  }
18:44:37:822  Added RX fs element 5 with capability OO_G711ULAW64K(outgoing, 
18:44:37:822  Building OpenLogicalChannel for transmit Capability (outgoing, 
18:44:37:822  Session id for transmit channel of type audio has to be provided 
by remote.(outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:822  Adding new media channel for cap 4 dir transmit (outgoing, 
18:44:37:822  Adding new channel with cap 4 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:822  Using configured media info (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:822  Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:822  Building forward olc. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:822  FastStart Element = {
18:44:37:822     forwardLogicalChannelNumber = {
18:44:37:822        1006
18:44:37:822     }
18:44:37:822     forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:822        dataType = {
18:44:37:822           audioData = {
18:44:37:822              g711Ulaw64k = {
18:44:37:822                 20
18:44:37:822              }
18:44:37:822           }
18:44:37:822        }
18:44:37:822        multiplexParameters = {
18:44:37:822           h2250LogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:822              sessionID = {
18:44:37:823                 1
18:44:37:823              }
18:44:37:823              mediaControlChannel = {
18:44:37:823                 unicastAddress = {
18:44:37:823                    iPAddress = {
18:44:37:823                       network = {
18:44:37:823                          'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:823                       }
18:44:37:824                       tsapIdentifier = {
18:44:37:824                          16783
18:44:37:824                       }
18:44:37:824                    }
18:44:37:824                 }
18:44:37:824              }
18:44:37:824           }
18:44:37:824        }
18:44:37:825     }
18:44:37:825  }
18:44:37:825  Added TX fs element 6 with capability OO_G711ULAW64K(outgoing, 
18:44:37:825  Preffered capability at index 3 is OO_G7231. (outgoing, 
18:44:37:825  Using call specific capabilities in faststart of setup message. 
(outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:825  Building olcs with capability OO_G7231. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:825  Building OpenLogicalChannel for Receive  Capability (outgoing, 
18:44:37:825  Session id for receive channel of type audio has to be provided 
by remote.(outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:825  Adding new media channel for cap 9 dir receive (outgoing, 
18:44:37:825  Adding new channel with cap 9 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:825  Using configured media info (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:825  Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:825  Building reverse olc. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:825  Receive channel of type audio started (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:825  FastStart Element = {
18:44:37:825     forwardLogicalChannelNumber = {
18:44:37:825        1007
18:44:37:825     }
18:44:37:825     forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:825        dataType = {
18:44:37:825           nullData = {
18:44:37:825              NULL
18:44:37:825           }
18:44:37:825        }
18:44:37:825        multiplexParameters = {
18:44:37:825           none = {
18:44:37:825              NULL
18:44:37:825           }
18:44:37:825        }
18:44:37:826     }
18:44:37:826     reverseLogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:826        dataType = {
18:44:37:826           audioData = {
18:44:37:826              g7231 = {
18:44:37:826                 maxAl_sduAudioFrames = {
18:44:37:826                    7
18:44:37:826                 }
18:44:37:826                 silenceSuppression = {
18:44:37:826                    FALSE
18:44:37:826                 }
18:44:37:827              }
18:44:37:827           }
18:44:37:827        }
18:44:37:827        multiplexParameters = {
18:44:37:827           h2250LogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:827              sessionID = {
18:44:37:827                 1
18:44:37:827              }
18:44:37:827              mediaChannel = {
18:44:37:827                 unicastAddress = {
18:44:37:827                    iPAddress = {
18:44:37:827                       network = {
18:44:37:828                          'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:828                       }
18:44:37:828                       tsapIdentifier = {
18:44:37:828                          16782
18:44:37:828                       }
18:44:37:828                    }
18:44:37:829                 }
18:44:37:829              }
18:44:37:829              mediaControlChannel = {
18:44:37:829                 unicastAddress = {
18:44:37:829                    iPAddress = {
18:44:37:829                       network = {
18:44:37:829                          'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:829                       }
18:44:37:830                       tsapIdentifier = {
18:44:37:830                          16783
18:44:37:830                       }
18:44:37:830                    }
18:44:37:830                 }
18:44:37:830              }
18:44:37:830           }
18:44:37:830        }
18:44:37:831     }
18:44:37:831  }
18:44:37:831  Added RX fs element 7 with capability OO_G7231(outgoing, 
18:44:37:831  Building OpenLogicalChannel for transmit Capability (outgoing, 
18:44:37:831  Session id for transmit channel of type audio has to be provided 
by remote.(outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:831  Adding new media channel for cap 9 dir transmit (outgoing, 
18:44:37:831  Adding new channel with cap 9 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:831  Using configured media info (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:831  Created new logical channel entry (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:831  Building forward olc. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:831  FastStart Element = {
18:44:37:831     forwardLogicalChannelNumber = {
18:44:37:831        1008
18:44:37:831     }
18:44:37:831     forwardLogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:831        dataType = {
18:44:37:831           audioData = {
18:44:37:831              g7231 = {
18:44:37:831                 maxAl_sduAudioFrames = {
18:44:37:831                    4
18:44:37:831                 }
18:44:37:831                 silenceSuppression = {
18:44:37:832                    FALSE
18:44:37:832                 }
18:44:37:832              }
18:44:37:832           }
18:44:37:832        }
18:44:37:832        multiplexParameters = {
18:44:37:832           h2250LogicalChannelParameters = {
18:44:37:832              sessionID = {
18:44:37:832                 1
18:44:37:832              }
18:44:37:832              mediaControlChannel = {
18:44:37:832                 unicastAddress = {
18:44:37:833                    iPAddress = {
18:44:37:833                       network = {
18:44:37:833                          'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:833                       }
18:44:37:833                       tsapIdentifier = {
18:44:37:833                          16783
18:44:37:834                       }
18:44:37:834                    }
18:44:37:834                 }
18:44:37:834              }
18:44:37:834           }
18:44:37:834        }
18:44:37:834     }
18:44:37:834  }
18:44:37:834  Added TX fs element 8 with capability OO_G7231(outgoing, 
18:44:37:834  Added 8 fast start elements to SETUP message (outgoing, 
18:44:37:834  Built SETUP message (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:834  UserInfo encoding - successful
18:44:37:834  Q931 Message = {
18:44:37:834     protocolDiscriminator = 8
18:44:37:834     callReference = 69
18:44:37:834     from = originator
18:44:37:834     messageType = 5
18:44:37:834     Bearer-Capability IE = {
18:44:37:834        88, c0, a5   }
18:44:37:834     Display IE = {
18:44:37:834        Tony
18:44:37:834     }
18:44:37:834     CallingPartyNumber IE = {
18:44:37:834        7002
18:44:37:834     }
18:44:37:834     CalledPartyNumber IE = {
18:44:37:834        39129000
18:44:37:834     }
18:44:37:834     h323_uu_pdu = {
18:44:37:834        h323_message_body = {
18:44:37:834           setup = {
18:44:37:835              protocolIdentifier = {
18:44:37:835                 { 
18:44:37:835  0 0 8 2250 0 4 }
18:44:37:835              }
18:44:37:835              sourceAddress = {
18:44:37:835                 elem[0] = {
18:44:37:835                    dialedDigits = {
18:44:37:835                       "7002"
18:44:37:835                    }
18:44:37:836                 }
18:44:37:836              }
18:44:37:836              sourceInfo = {
18:44:37:836                 vendor = {
18:44:37:836                    vendor = {
18:44:37:836                       t35CountryCode = {
18:44:37:836                          1
18:44:37:836                       }
18:44:37:837                       t35Extension = {
18:44:37:837                          0
18:44:37:837                       }
18:44:37:837                       manufacturerCode = {
18:44:37:837                          71
18:44:37:837                       }
18:44:37:838                    }
18:44:37:838                    productId = {
18:44:37:838                       '6f626a737973'H
18:44:37:838                    }
18:44:37:838                    versionId = {
18:44:37:838                       '76302e382e33'H
18:44:37:838                    }
18:44:37:839                 }
18:44:37:839                 terminal = {
18:44:37:839                 }
18:44:37:839                 mc = {
18:44:37:839                    FALSE
18:44:37:839                 }
18:44:37:839                 undefinedNode = {
18:44:37:839                    FALSE
18:44:37:839                 }
18:44:37:840              }
18:44:37:840              destinationAddress = {
18:44:37:840                 elem[0] = {
18:44:37:840                    dialedDigits = {
18:44:37:840                       "39129000"
18:44:37:840                    }
18:44:37:840                 }
18:44:37:840              }
18:44:37:841              destCallSignalAddress = {
18:44:37:841                 ipAddress = {
18:44:37:841                    ip = {
18:44:37:841                       'c0a8000e'H
18:44:37:841                    }
18:44:37:841                    port = {
18:44:37:841                       1720
18:44:37:841                    }
18:44:37:842                 }
18:44:37:842              }
18:44:37:842              activeMC = {
18:44:37:842                 FALSE
18:44:37:842              }
18:44:37:842              conferenceID = {
18:44:37:842                 'acadaeafb0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9babb'H
18:44:37:842              }
18:44:37:842              conferenceGoal = {
18:44:37:843                 create = {
18:44:37:843                    NULL
18:44:37:843                 }
18:44:37:843              }
18:44:37:843              callType = {
18:44:37:843                 pointToPoint = {
18:44:37:843                    NULL
18:44:37:843                 }
18:44:37:843              }
18:44:37:844              sourceCallSignalAddress = {
18:44:37:844                 ipAddress = {
18:44:37:844                    ip = {
18:44:37:844                       'c0a80014'H
18:44:37:844                    }
18:44:37:844                    port = {
18:44:37:844                       1839
18:44:37:844                    }
18:44:37:845                 }
18:44:37:845              }
18:44:37:845              callIdentifier = {
18:44:37:845                 guid = {
18:44:37:845                    '6f6f68333233632d4fd2a6ffffffffff'H
18:44:37:845                 }
18:44:37:845              }
18:44:37:845              fastStart = {
18:44:37:845                 elem[0] = {
18:44:37:846                 }
18:44:37:846                 elem[1] = {
18:44:37:846                    '0003e90c2013800a04000100c0a80014418f'H
18:44:37:846                 }
18:44:37:846                 elem[2] = {
18:44:37:846                 }
18:44:37:847                 elem[3] = {
18:44:37:847                    '0003eb0e0c03008300800a04000100c0a80014418f'H
18:44:37:847                 }
18:44:37:847                 elem[4] = {
18:44:37:847                 }
18:44:37:847                 elem[5] = {
18:44:37:847                    '0003ed0c6013800a04000100c0a80014418f'H
18:44:37:848                 }
18:44:37:848                 elem[6] = {
18:44:37:848                 }
18:44:37:848                 elem[7] = {
18:44:37:848                    '0003ef0d000340000a04000100c0a80014418f'H
18:44:37:848                 }
18:44:37:848              }
18:44:37:848              mediaWaitForConnect = {
18:44:37:849                 FALSE
18:44:37:849              }
18:44:37:849              canOverlapSend = {
18:44:37:849                 FALSE
18:44:37:849              }
18:44:37:849              multipleCalls = {
18:44:37:849                 FALSE
18:44:37:849              }
18:44:37:849              maintainConnection = {
18:44:37:849                 FALSE
18:44:37:850              }
18:44:37:850              presentationIndicator = {
18:44:37:850                 presentationAllowed = {
18:44:37:850                    NULL
18:44:37:850                 }
18:44:37:850              }
18:44:37:850              screeningIndicator = {
18:44:37:850                 0
18:44:37:850              }
18:44:37:851           }
18:44:37:851        }
18:44:37:851        h245Tunneling = {
18:44:37:851           TRUE
18:44:37:851        }
18:44:37:851     }
18:44:37:851  UUIE decode successful
18:44:37:851  }
18:44:37:851  Queued H225 messages 1. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:851  Sending H225 message (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:851  Sending Q931 message (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:851  H2250/Q931 Message sent successfully (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:851  Sent Message - Setup (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:868  Receiving H.2250 message (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:868  Received Q.931 message: (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:868  Received H.2250 Message = {
18:44:37:868     protocolDiscriminator = 8
18:44:37:868     callReference = 69
18:44:37:868     from = destination
18:44:37:869     messageType = 2
18:44:37:869     h323_uu_pdu = {
18:44:37:869        h323_message_body = {
18:44:37:869           callProceeding = {
18:44:37:869              protocolIdentifier = {
18:44:37:869                 { 
18:44:37:869  0 0 8 2250 0 5 }
18:44:37:870              }
18:44:37:870              destinationInfo = {
18:44:37:870                 vendor = {
18:44:37:870                    vendor = {
18:44:37:871                       t35CountryCode = {
18:44:37:871                          181
18:44:37:871                       }
18:44:37:872                       t35Extension = {
18:44:37:872                          0
18:44:37:872                       }
18:44:37:873                       manufacturerCode = {
18:44:37:873                          19540
18:44:37:873                       }
18:44:37:874                    }
18:44:37:874                    productId = {
18:44:37:874                       '4176617961204d756c746976616e74616765'H
18:44:37:875                    }
18:44:37:875                    versionId = {
18:44:37:875                       '52303135782e30322e312e3031362e34'H
18:44:37:876                    }
18:44:37:876                 }
18:44:37:876                 gatekeeper = {
18:44:37:877                 }
18:44:37:877                 gateway = {
18:44:37:877                    protocol = {
18:44:37:877                       elem[0] = {
18:44:37:878                          h320 = {
18:44:37:878                             supportedPrefixes = {
18:44:37:879                                elem[0] = {
18:44:37:879                                   prefix = {
18:44:37:880                                      dialedDigits = {
18:44:37:880                                         "9"
18:44:37:881                                      }
18:44:37:881                                   }
18:44:37:882                                }
18:44:37:882                             }
18:44:37:883                          }
18:44:37:883                       }
18:44:37:884                       elem[1] = {
18:44:37:884                          h323 = {
18:44:37:884                             supportedPrefixes = {
18:44:37:885                                elem[0] = {
18:44:37:885                                   prefix = {
18:44:37:886                                      dialedDigits = {
18:44:37:887                                         "9"
18:44:37:887                                      }
18:44:37:888                                   }
18:44:37:888                                }
18:44:37:889                             }
18:44:37:889                          }
18:44:37:889                       }
18:44:37:889                       elem[2] = {
18:44:37:889                          voice = {
18:44:37:890                             supportedPrefixes = {
18:44:37:890                                elem[0] = {
18:44:37:890                                   prefix = {
18:44:37:890                                      dialedDigits = {
18:44:37:890                                         "9"
18:44:37:891                                      }
18:44:37:891                                   }
18:44:37:891                                }
18:44:37:891                             }
18:44:37:892                          }
18:44:37:892                       }
18:44:37:892                    }
18:44:37:892                 }
18:44:37:892                 mcu = {
18:44:37:892                 }
18:44:37:892                 mc = {
18:44:37:893                    TRUE
18:44:37:893                 }
18:44:37:893                 undefinedNode = {
18:44:37:893                    FALSE
18:44:37:893                 }
18:44:37:893              }
18:44:37:893              callIdentifier = {
18:44:37:893                 guid = {
18:44:37:893                    '6f6f68333233632d4fd2a6ffffffffff'H
18:44:37:894                 }
18:44:37:894              }
18:44:37:894              multipleCalls = {
18:44:37:894                 FALSE
18:44:37:894              }
18:44:37:894              maintainConnection = {
18:44:37:894                 FALSE
18:44:37:894              }
18:44:37:894           }
18:44:37:894        }
18:44:37:895        h245Tunneling = {
18:44:37:895           TRUE
18:44:37:895        }
18:44:37:895     }
18:44:37:895  UUIE decode successful
18:44:37:895  Decoded Q931 message (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:895  }
18:44:37:895  H.225 Call Proceeding message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:895  Receiving H.2250 message (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:895  Received Q.931 message: (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:895  Received H.2250 Message = {
18:44:37:895     protocolDiscriminator = 8
18:44:37:895     callReference = 69
18:44:37:895     from = destination
18:44:37:895     messageType = 5a
18:44:37:895     Cause IE = {
18:44:37:895        Q931IncompatibleDestination
18:44:37:895     }
18:44:37:895     h323_uu_pdu = {
18:44:37:895        h323_message_body = {
18:44:37:895           releaseComplete = {
18:44:37:895              protocolIdentifier = {
18:44:37:895                 { 
18:44:37:895  0 0 8 2250 0 5 }
18:44:37:895              }
18:44:37:895              callIdentifier = {
18:44:37:895                 guid = {
18:44:37:896                    '6f6f68333233632d4fd2a6ffffffffff'H
18:44:37:896                 }
18:44:37:896              }
18:44:37:896           }
18:44:37:896        }
18:44:37:896        h245Tunneling = {
18:44:37:896           FALSE
18:44:37:896        }
18:44:37:896     }
18:44:37:896  UUIE decode successful
18:44:37:896  Decoded Q931 message (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  }
18:44:37:896  H.225 Release Complete message received (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Cause of Release Complete is 58. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  In ooEndCall call state is - OO_CALL_CLEARED (outgoing, 
18:44:37:896  Cleaning Call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)- reason:OO_REASON_UNKNOWN
18:44:37:896  Clearing all logical channels (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Clearing logical channel number 1001. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Stopped Receive channel 1001 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Removed logical channel 1001 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Clearing logical channel number 1002. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Removed logical channel 1002 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Clearing logical channel number 1003. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Stopped Receive channel 1003 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Removed logical channel 1003 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Clearing logical channel number 1004. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Removed logical channel 1004 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Clearing logical channel number 1005. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Stopped Receive channel 1005 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Removed logical channel 1005 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Clearing logical channel number 1006. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Removed logical channel 1006 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Clearing logical channel number 1007. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Stopped Receive channel 1007 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Removed logical channel 1007 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Clearing logical channel number 1008. (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Removed logical channel 1008 (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:896  Closing H.245 connection (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10)
18:44:37:897  Removed call (outgoing, ooh323c_o_10) from list
18:51:17:341  Receiving H.2250 message (incoming, ooh323c_1)
18:51:17:341  Received Q.931 message: (incoming, ooh323c_1)
18:51:17:341  Received H.2250 Message = {
18:51:17:341     protocolDiscriminator = 8
18:51:17:341     callReference = 0
18:51:17:341     from = originator
18:51:17:341     messageType = 7d
18:51:17:341     Cause IE = {
18:51:17:341        Q931NormalUnspecified
18:51:17:341     }
18:51:17:341     h323_uu_pdu = {
18:51:17:341        h323_message_body = {
18:51:17:341           status = {
18:51:17:341              protocolIdentifier = {
18:51:17:342                 { 
18:51:17:342  0 0 8 2250 0 5 }
18:51:17:342              }
18:51:17:342              callIdentifier = {
18:51:17:342                 guid = {
18:51:17:343                    '009a94b58acddf0156004ca4cabd0000'H
18:51:17:343                 }
18:51:17:343              }
18:51:17:343           }
18:51:17:344        }
18:51:17:344        h245Tunneling = {
18:51:17:344           TRUE
18:51:17:344        }
18:51:17:344     }
18:51:17:344  UUIE decode successful
18:51:17:344  Decoded Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1)
18:51:17:344  }
18:51:17:344  H.225 Status message received (incoming, ooh323c_1)
18:51:17:344  Receiving H.2250 message (incoming, ooh323c_1)
18:51:17:344  Received Q.931 message: (incoming, ooh323c_1)
18:51:17:344  Received H.2250 Message = {
18:51:17:344     protocolDiscriminator = 8
18:51:17:344     callReference = 0
18:51:17:344     from = originator
18:51:17:344     messageType = 7d
18:51:17:344     Cause IE = {
18:51:17:344        Q931NormalCallClearing
18:51:17:344     }
18:51:17:345     h323_uu_pdu = {
18:51:17:345        h323_message_body = {
18:51:17:345           status = {
18:51:17:345              protocolIdentifier = {
18:51:17:345                 { 
18:51:17:345  0 0 8 2250 0 5 }
18:51:17:345              }
18:51:17:346              callIdentifier = {
18:51:17:346                 guid = {
18:51:17:346                    '009a94b58acddf0156004ca4cabd0000'H
18:51:17:346                 }
18:51:17:347              }
18:51:17:347           }
18:51:17:347        }
18:51:17:347        h245Tunneling = {
18:51:17:347           TRUE
18:51:17:347        }
18:51:17:348     }
18:51:17:348  UUIE decode successful
18:51:17:348  Decoded Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1)
18:51:17:348  }
18:51:17:348  H.225 Status message received (incoming, ooh323c_1)
19:06:17:375  Receiving H.2250 message (incoming, ooh323c_1)
19:06:17:375  Received Q.931 message: (incoming, ooh323c_1)
19:06:17:375  Received H.2250 Message = {
19:06:17:375     protocolDiscriminator = 8
19:06:17:375     callReference = 0
19:06:17:375     from = originator
19:06:17:375     messageType = 7d
19:06:17:375     Cause IE = {
19:06:17:375        Q931NormalUnspecified
19:06:17:375     }
19:06:17:375     h323_uu_pdu = {
19:06:17:376        h323_message_body = {
19:06:17:376           status = {
19:06:17:376              protocolIdentifier = {
19:06:17:376                 { 
19:06:17:376  0 0 8 2250 0 5 }
19:06:17:376              }
19:06:17:377              callIdentifier = {
19:06:17:377                 guid = {
19:06:17:377                    '009a94b58acddf0156004ca4cabd0000'H
19:06:17:377                 }
19:06:17:378              }
19:06:17:378           }
19:06:17:378        }
19:06:17:378        h245Tunneling = {
19:06:17:378           TRUE
19:06:17:378        }
19:06:17:379     }
19:06:17:379  UUIE decode successful
19:06:17:379  Decoded Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1)
19:06:17:379  }
19:06:17:379  H.225 Status message received (incoming, ooh323c_1)
19:06:17:379  Receiving H.2250 message (incoming, ooh323c_1)
19:06:17:379  Received Q.931 message: (incoming, ooh323c_1)
19:06:17:379  Received H.2250 Message = {
19:06:17:379     protocolDiscriminator = 8
19:06:17:379     callReference = 0
19:06:17:379     from = originator
19:06:17:379     messageType = 7d
19:06:17:379     Cause IE = {
19:06:17:379        Q931NormalCallClearing
19:06:17:379     }
19:06:17:379     h323_uu_pdu = {
19:06:17:379        h323_message_body = {
19:06:17:379           status = {
19:06:17:379              protocolIdentifier = {
19:06:17:380                 { 
19:06:17:380  0 0 8 2250 0 5 }
19:06:17:380              }
19:06:17:380              callIdentifier = {
19:06:17:380                 guid = {
19:06:17:381                    '009a94b58acddf0156004ca4cabd0000'H
19:06:17:381                 }
19:06:17:381              }
19:06:17:381           }
19:06:17:381        }
19:06:17:382        h245Tunneling = {
19:06:17:382           TRUE
19:06:17:382        }
19:06:17:382     }
19:06:17:382  UUIE decode successful
19:06:17:382  Decoded Q931 message (incoming, ooh323c_1)
19:06:17:382  }
19:06:17:382  H.225 Status message received (incoming, ooh323c_1)

Best Regards,

Thomas Liu
WShuttle Infotech Ltd.  http://www.wshuttle.com / http://www.lookmypc.com 
http://www.vicidial.cn / http://www.call-center-software.com.cn
Tel: +86 20 39230098 39230096
Mobile : +86 1390 3051 930
HK DID: +852 6950 0916, Macau DID: +853 6285 0645
Email: thomas....@wshuttle.com
MSN:thomas...@21cn.com, QQ: 332148339, Skype:tonylly 
Yahoo Messenger: thomaslly 
Address:  Room# 302, Building T8, Dongmen Plaza, Shuishi Reserved Area, 
Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Guangzhou, 
Guangdong Province, China.   Zip code: 510006

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