Re: [asterisk-users] Ready to throw up my hands in defeat

2023-05-22 Thread Steve Matzura
I haven't tried starting the daemon yet only because I wanted to verify 
my pjsip and extensions stuff first before I started trying to debug 
what I might not understand. I have a better handle on it all now. Will 
post the results when I try it in just a few minutes.

Thankfully, the book does say SIP is deprecated in favor of PJSIP, so 
I'm on board with understanding all that. Thanks for reminding me that 
Google is my friend in this project, too.


On 5/22/2023 12:50 PM, TTT wrote:

You don't say what happens when you start Asterisk, but I'll assume 
your registration with your provider is failing.  If you turn on SIP 
debug from CLI you can watch your registration attempts, and see the 
exact reason for failure.  (eg: unreachable vs credentials).  Post 
that output into the list email if you aren’t sure what to make of it.

The numerous similar stanzas have to do with pjsip.  Many of the older 
examples/guides reference a simpler (deprecated) SIP stack, with 
slightly different syntax.  If you google PJSIP + Asterisk config 
you'll send the purpose of all of those stanza's.  PJSIP adds a lot of 
complexity for the outlier use cases (99% of people don't need all of 
PJSIP's capabilities) - but you have to fill it all in.  There are 
some nice diagrams here 
which explains it fairly well.

Please reply to the list only (so anyone can jump in and benefit from 
the discussion too)

-Original Message-

From: Steve Matzura []

Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 12:15 PM

To: TTT 

Subject: Re: [asterisk-users] Ready to throw up my hands in defeat

Thanks. Further reading and digging did in fact prove out that the RTP 
is a lot of what's been throwing me. I won't bother with that any longer.

I did make the "hello world" example from the Asterisk wiki work. It was

simple enough--lift the example right out of the book, paste it into the

appropriate files, install and configure Zoipr, restart Asterisk,  and

it just worked. Good.

So now I'm branching out, ready to add my DID provider info and actually

be able to call in from outside.

The following file contents come from my DID provider, The only

thing I added was my specific DID registration info, which has been

redacted here:



type = transport

protocol = udp

bind =


type = registration

transport = transport-udp

outbound_auth = voipms

client_uri = sip:**

server_uri =


type = auth

auth_type = userpass

username = **

password = **


type = aor

contact = sip:**


type = endpoint

transport = transport-udp

context = mycontext

disallow = all

allow = ulaw

; allow=g729 ; uncomment if you support g729

from_user = **

auth = voipms

outbound_auth = voipms

aors = voipms

; NAT parameters:

rtp_symmetric = yes

rewrite_contact = yes

send_rpid = yes

*** NOTE: I left those lines in because I am after all behind a home

router so I thought I'd need it. ***


type = identify

endpoint = voipms

match =

Why so many stanzas all called 'voipms'? I see that they all have

different types, so why not have everything in the same stanza?

Here's extensions.conf:


; Make sure to include inbound prior to outbound because the _NXXNXX

handler will match the incoming call and create a loop

include => voipms-inbound

include => voipms-outbound


exten => _1NXXNXX,1,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}@voipms)

exten => _1NXXNXX,n,Hangup()

exten => _NXXNXX,1,Dial(PJSIP/1${EXTEN}@voipms)

exten => _NXXNXX,n,Hangup()

exten => _011.,1,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}@voipms)

exten => _011.,n,Hangup()

exten => _00.,1,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}@voipms)

exten => _00.,n,Hangup()

; inbound context example for your DID numbers, do not add the number 1

in front


exten => 3115552368,1,Answer() ; fake DID number

Now, I have the block of text from the hello-world wiki:


exten = 100,1,Answer()

same = n,Wait(1)

same = n,Playback(hello-world)

same = n,Hangup()

That's certainly clear enough.

My question is, how do I connect the two extensions.conf fragments?

i.e., where's the routing from the system answering the inbound connect

request to the actions in the extension 100 statements?

The book talks a lot about registering phones through SQL. Looking at

pjsip.conf is a little bewildering--all those '[6001]' examples. Which

ones do I absolutely need? I have two kinds of phones to register--one

on my own LAN and one remote, presumably coming in with NAT'ing and

definitely behind its own firewall on its own LAN.

On 5/22/2023 10:5

Re: [asterisk-users] Ready to throw up my hands in defeat

2023-05-22 Thread TTT
There are lots of little tweaks/adjustments overlooked in most guides/books.  
The examples work most of the time, but even a small difference in your 
environment might break them.

I'm pretty sure the list will be able to answer questions to help you figure it 
out.  If you break down your current problem into the basic step/task and 
explain what's not working then you'll likely get a good explanation.

If you're not sure where to start, just add one physical phone  and a screaming 
monkeys entry in the dialplan (lots of examples out there).  If that' doesn't 
work, post the CLI output with verbose turned up.

In general stay away from realtime (I assume that is the SQL reference)

-Original Message-
From: asterisk-users [] On Behalf 
Of Steve Matzura
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2023 10:19 AM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion 

Subject: [asterisk-users] Ready to throw up my hands in defeat

I am not comfortable with admitting this on a public userlist [;-)] but after 
over forty years in software development and manual-reading and 
-interpretation, I've finally hit one that I can't get past.

I've mention previously that I worked with Asterisk in older days--like in 
around 2003--and never had any trouble understanding what to do and how to do 
it in order to make it work. I am attempting to build what's probably the 
world's most basic system--one incoming trunk from a DID provider going to one 
internal extension that answers, plays a couple things, and possibly takes a 
message. I'd also like to add two extensions with real physical 
endpoints--phones--one local, one remote. 
I think I can manage that part. It's the initial SIP stuff that's making me 

The book I am now reading--"Asterisk, the Definitive Guide" by Madsen, Bryant 
and Meggelin for Asterisk version 16-- assumes I have built an implementation 
from source, and that includes SQL. There are tons of references to SQL 
databases in the book which I understand, but having installed Asterisk from a 
distribution package, that component is not part of the installation, so I am 
presumably expected to supply the information by manually entering it into 
configuration files. I'm OK with doing that, too. The part I'm having trouble 
with is that the samples in the configuration files, particularly pjsip.conf, 
offer several choices for some of the stanzas, like all the things defining 
trunks and endpoints, and that's where I'm losing it. The book makes it sound 
and look so easy--add a couple records to a couple SQL tables according to your 
instruments and DID providers, and it probably works just that smoothly and 
easily. But how does one make these choices when one has to manually edit these 
configurations and choose the one that at least halfway looks like the SQL 
stuff in the book?

I think I need a little hand-holding and am willing to buy some from someone 
who has the time and inclination to provide it. I'm a fast learner, I record 
all such sessions, and I'm sure I can get what I need in a couple hours, most 
likely less. if you're interested, or know someone who is, please contact me 
off-list, with my eternal thanks in advance.

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