Olá pessoal.

Kevin Fleming foi o braço direito de Mark Spencer desde, praticamente, a 
criação do software Asterisk. Pode ser considerado o maior contribuidor deste 
software até hoje.

Segue post do Kevin, Diretor para Comunidade da Digium:
Family, friends, colleagues:

I've been with Digium for just over seven years, and it's been an incredible 
experience that I wouldn't have traded for anything. When Mark Spencer invited 
me to visit Digium (and Huntsville) in early 2005, I could not have dreamed 
that I'd end up working for such an exciting, innovative company, finding a 
wife, and meeting hundreds of people (many of whom are now friends) around the 
world. It's been a time of tremendous personal and career growth, and my 
wonderful colleagues at Digium and in the Asterisk open source community have 
been directly responsible for most of that.

Recently, though, I've been presented an opportunity to take on a new challenge 
and this has resulted in my acceptance of a new job, in a new industry. In the 
middle of September, I'll start working for Bloomberg, L.P., in the Office of 
the CTO, helping to lead their nascent open source initiative. I'll be working 
to bring the power of open source software, open standards, and community 
building to the financial market data services industry, where it is sorely 
needed (and overdue). Michelle and I will be relocating to the greater New York 
City area, but Michelle will continue in her role as Digium's in-house counsel.

This is yet another incredibly exciting, career changing opportunity in my 
life, and I can't wait to see what it will bring. I'll be forever thankful for 
the opportunity that Digium and the Asterisk community provided me to learn, 
grow and find the place where my skills and experience are the most valuable 
(to both myself and my employer).

E aquí notícia da Digium comunicando o novo diretor:

Vamos torcer para que o bom trabalho continue!


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Tenha a External Series Experience na sua aplicação. Visite www.khomp.com
DIGIVOICE  Fabricante de Placas de Voz e Channel Bank
20 anos de experiência com E1(R2/ISDN), FXS, FXO e GSM
Centro Treinamento - Curso de PABX IP -  Asterisk  - Site  www.digivoice.com.br
YEALINK: Telefones IP e VídeoPhones IP com o melhor custo/benefício do mercado.
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