Garbė Kristui!
Per paskutinį pusmetį ateitininkai buvo įtraukti į du analogiškus naujai
sukurtus nevyriausybinių organizacijų komitetus. Vieną skirtą šeimos
apsaugai, kitą – gyvybės. Abu komitetai priėmė savo veiklos modelį ir
atrodo solidžiai. Jų tikslas – užuot vien tik atstovavus katalikišką
poziciją ir gynusis, imtis aktyvių gerai planuotų ir organizuotų veiksmų.
Susidomėjusius ir norinčius tokioje veikloje realizuoti savo ateitininkišką
potencialą, siūlau rašyti man. Papasakočiau daugiau ir nukreipčiau tinkama
Vienos iš tų grupių susirašinėjime persiųstas kvietimas dalyvauti
Tarptautiniame šeimų kongrese Gruzijoje. Galbūt ką nors sudomins.
Linas Braukyla
Studentų ateitininkų sąjungos pirmininkas

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From: Aidas <>


Persiunčiu informaciją apie Tbilisyje rengiamą pasaulio šeimų kongresą.
Teko dalyvauti tokiame kongrese Ženevoje 1999 metais ir Varšuvoje 2006.
Labai stiprūs renginiai, kuriuose susirenka šeimą ginantys politikai,
žurnalistai,  įvairių konfesijų bei religijų atstovai ir visuomenės
veikėjai iš viso pasaulio. Galima išgirsti labai  turiningų pranešimų,
pasidalijimų, liudijimų susipažinti su bendraminčiais bei pamatyti plačią
pro family retrospektyvą vienoje vietoje. Labai siūlyčiau paraginti kuo
daugiau šeimos politikos baruose besidarbuojančių tautiečių čia
 apsilankyti,  suformuojant stiprią tautiečių delegaciją, galinčią
paskleisti  daug gero „užkrato“  Lietuvoje. Į Tbilisį nuvykti nėra nei
labai toli, nei labai brangu. Tikrai verta.


World Congress of Families Press Release
*Will you join with us to affirm and defend the natural family as the
fundamental and only sustainable unit of society?*

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*November 10, 2015*

*For Immediate Release*
*For More Information Contact Managing Director, Larry Jacobs,
+1-815-997-7106 <%2B1-815-997-7106>,
<> or Coalitions Director, Don Feder,
+1-508-405-1337 <%2B1-508-405-1337>,

  *Republic of Georgia Chosen As Site for*
* World Congress of Families X, May 16-18, 2016*

*WCF X, a three-day international conference and festival to be held May
16-18, 2016 in Tbilisi, Georgia will attract thousands of delegates to
speak out for freedom, affirm human rights for all persons, and celebrate
the natural family as found in the United Nations Universal Declaration of
Human Rights as the only fundamental and sustainable unit of society.*

[Rockford, Illinois, USA]  World Congress of Families (WCF)
Managing Director Larry Jacobs officially confirmed that the Republic of
Georgia was selected as the site to host WCF X (10) in the Georgian capital
of Tbilisi from May 16-18, 2016.  The location was first announced by World
Congress of Families IX Chairman Stan Swim and Levan Vasadze, Chairman of
the WCF X Local Organizing Committee in front of more than 3,300 delegates
in Salt Lake City, Utah (
– watch the acceptance speech from Mr. Vasadze via YouTube online at:

Georgian leaders symbolically chose May 16-18 as the dates for the World
Congress to include the Georgian Holiday, May 17th, “A Day to Strengthen
Families and Honor Parents” so designated by His Holiness and Orthodox
Patriarch, Ilia II of Georgia.

Jacobs commented, "Georgia is strategically located at the crossroads of
Europe and Asia*,* between the Black and Caspian Seas*,* and is therefore
the ideal place to discuss the historic opportunities for prosperity and
the existential threats to family, faith, and freedom” from modernization
and the sexual revolution.

The World Congress of Families is the worlds’ largest and longest-serving
non-governmental organization focused on preserving and promoting the
natural family. The organization stands for the human rights of all
citizens to acknowledge the complementarity of men and women, the right of
children to the love of a father and mother, the truth of marriage, and the
preservation of life at all stages of development. The WCF brings together
scholars, academics, lawmakers, religious leaders, parents, youth, and
activists to affirm, celebrate, and encourage the natural family.

Georgia was selected as the host nation by the WCF International Selection
Committee after a year-long, Olympic-type competitive bidding process which
included proposals from South Africa, Portugal, and Mexico.

As one of the oldest Christian nations and traditional cultures in the
world, the birthplace of wine-making and polyphonic music, Georgia
straddles Europe and Asia in the the heart of the Caucasus Mountains.  It
is centrally located on the old "silk road" and ideally suited to bring
together Eastern and Western cultures to discuss and affirm the universal
values of life and family that are threatened by the sexual revolution,
radical elites, and godless philosophy.

As one of the only nations where Europeans, Russians, and Americans can
travel without visas, Georgia also represents a unique opportunity to
gather leaders of goodwill to promote a pro-life and pro-family agenda that
builds prosperous, sustainable and free societies.  WCF leaders and
Georgians together will show that true equality, fairness, diversity,
justice and authentic freedom can only arise from God-centered and
family-centered civilizations.”

The theme of World Congress of Families X is “Western and Eastern
Civilization at a Crossroads: The Natural Family as The Bulwark of Humane
Values.”  The theme is inspired from the great English journalist G.K.
Chesterton.  Chesterton explains the connection between family and freedom,*
“The ideal for which [family and marriage] stands in the state is liberty.
It stands for liberty for the very simple reason... [that] it is the
only...institution that is at once necessary and voluntary.  It is the only
check on the state that is bound to renew itself as eternally as the state,
and more naturally than the state....  This is the only way in which truth
can ever find refuge from public persecution, and the good man survive the
bad government.”*

Levan Vasadze, Chairman of the Georgian Committee for WCF X commented, "We
Georgians are honored and humbled by this great opportunity and privilege
to host World Congress of Families X. As one of the oldest Christian
nations on earth, we think this will be a refreshing opportunity for me and
my fellow Georgians to meet Westerners who affirm human rights for all
persons from conception to natural death but also defend the Truth, Beauty,
and Goodness found in the Natural Family as the fundamental and only
sustainable unit of society.”

The WCF Local Organizing Committee for WCF Georgia 2016 includes Levan
Vasadze (leading Georgian business entrepreneur, rugby player, education
leader, and philanthropist), Tinatin Khorbaladze, and other leaders from
the Georgian Demographic Society.

Jacobs concluded, "Tbilisi is an exciting and an historic city and we're
delighted to join with the Georgian Local Organizing Committee to bring
pro-family leaders, scholars and activists from around the world to WCF
X."  WCF expects thousands of delegates from more than 80 countries to come
to Georgia in 2016.

But perhaps American Author, John Steinbeck provides the most heavenly
rationale that it is wholly reasonable and convincing that we should travel
to be among the supermen of Georgia in May, 2016:

   - *“Wherever we had been in Russia, in Moscow, in the Ukraine, in
   Stalingrad, the magical name of Georgia came up constantly. People who had
   never been there, and who possibly never could go there, spoke of Georgia
   with a kind of longing and a great admiration. They spoke of Georgians as
   supermen, as great drinkers, great dancers, great musicians, great workers
   and lovers. And they spoke of the country in the Caucasus and around the
   Black Sea as a kind of second heaven. Indeed, we began to believe that most
   Russians hope that if they live good and virtuous lives, they will not go
   to heaven, but to Georgia, when they die.” — Nobel Prize Winning Author,
   John Steinbeck (1948).*

To learn more about World Congress of Families, visit:
To schedule an interview with Levan Vasadze or Larry Jacobs contact Don
Feder at or call 508-405-1337.

speeches, videos, and reports from all four days of World Congress of
Families IX
New videos and speeches will be posted in the upcoming days.

The World Congress of Families (WCF) is the largest network and
gathering of pro-family human rights advocates in the world.  WCF seeks to
provide sound scholarship and effective strategies, and it will mobilize
intellectual and advocacy resources to affirm and defend the natural family
as the fundamental and only sustainable unit of a free,
democratic society.  WCF is the recipient of the International Peace Award,
"Pax Urbis," for promoting peace and freedom through culture and the
natural family.

Please Click Here
to donate to World Congress of Families, become a member, delegate, or
partner, and join our efforts to affirm the natural family.


*The World Congress of Families (
is located in the heartland of America (Rockford, Illinois) is an
international human rights non-governmental organization (NGO), and is an
independent, non-profit research and education center that provides sound
scholarship and effective strategies to affirm and encourage the natural
thus renewing a sustainable and free democratic society.  The World
Congress is the publisher of the journal, “The Family In America: A Journal
of Public Policy
has special NGO consultative status at the United Nations (UN). The World
Congress of Families coalition consists of an international network of
pro-family organizations, scholars, leaders and inter-faith people of
goodwill from more than 80 countries that seek to affirm and restore the
natural family as the fundamental and only sustainable unit of civil
society (as found in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948).
The WCF was co-founded in 1995 by Dr. Allan C. Carlson to dialogue and
promote family, faith, and freedom among Western and Eastern cultures and
civilizations following the collapse of the Soviet Union.  To date, there
have been over 50 WCF regional conferences on five continents and
eight official World Congresses of Families – Prague (1997), Geneva (1999),
Mexico City (2004), Warsaw (2007), Amsterdam (2009), Madrid (2012) and
Sydney (2013).  World Congress of Families IX was held in Salt Lake City,
Utah, October 27-30, 2015 (
and attracted over 3,300 delegates from more than 60 countries.  World
Congress of Families X --“Western and Eastern Civilizations at a
Crossroads: The Natural Family as The Bulwark of Humane Values.” -- will be
held in Tbilisi, Georgia, May 16-18, 2016.  WCF regional events are also
planned in 2016 for six other locations around the world.*


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Please help us now to affirm and defend the natural family as the
fundamental and only sustainable unit of society!

*Click here
go to and become a $40 Associate Member
the World Congress of Families and receive our monthly WCF Newsletter or
for $75, become a Full Subscribing Member
the WCF and Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society and receive all of
our online and printed publications including an annual subscription to *The
Family In America: A Journal of Public Policy.  *For a $100 donation, you
can become an *OFFICIAL DELEGATE*
of the World Congress of Families
and receive all of the prior benefits plus guarantee your discounted VIP
Delegate seat at every World Congress of Families (including WCF X,
Tbilisi, Georgia, May 16-18, 2016).  WCF Official Delegates are entitled to
a 20 percent discount off the regular registration prices.

Organizations can become official World Congress of Families Partners
for $2,500 per year. Click here
for more information on Partner benefits.

Blessings and Godspeed!

Larry Jacobs, Managing Director, World Congress of Families


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