+1 to make the MUST a SHOULD
+1 on app:edited

But I think it would be really useful if we could have something that allowed the user to specify how the feed should be sorted.


On 27 Sep 2006, at 22:14, Tim Bray wrote:

Please see the dialogue below.

(Eric's point seems plausible to me; personally I'd be inclined to a +1.)

Can we have some feedback from the WG ASAP? We want to take protocol-11 to the IETF.


On Sep 26, 2006, at 4:59 PM, Eric Scheid wrote:

On 27/9/06 8:15 AM, "Tim Bray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PaceAppEdited: Lots of discussion. There seems universal support for
the utility of an app:edited element, and an assertion that entry
members SHOULD contain one.  On the other hand, every discussion of
sort order has spiraled instantly into a rat-hole.

Conclusion.  PaceAppEdited is accepted, in part. The second part of
the proposal, defining the app:edited element, is ACCEPTED.  The
first part, imposing a requirement on the sort order of collections,
clearly does not have consensus support.

There also seems to be universal support for the notion that collection feeds could be sorted by something other than what's currently in the spec.
The spec currently not only says collections are to be sorted by
atom:updated, but because of the MUST it also says it MUST NOT be sorted by
anything *else*, which is a problem.

Section 10.0 ΒΆ 2 says this:

    The entries in the returned Atom Feed MUST be ordered by their
   "atom:updated" property, with the most recently updated entries
    coming first in the document order. Clients SHOULD be constructed
    in consideration of the fact that changes which do not alter the
    atom:updated value of an entry will not affect the position of
    the entry in a Collection.

We need to either strike that entire paragraph, or at the very least make
that MUST into a SHOULD.

I say +1 to s/MUST/SHOULD/


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