Re: Notes on the latest draft.

2005-07-20 Thread Robin Cover

On Wed, 20 Jul 2005, James Cerra wrote:

 Aristotle Pagaltzis,
 Thanks for the clarifications.
   Section 1.2:
   I guess consistancy is not a requirement of the Atom spec.  By
   convention, this should be all lowercase.  Existing software

I'm not sure who said this should be all lowercase but I don't
understand the concern.  Only programmers will be hand-keying
a namespace. Most programming languages are case sensitive; XML
is case sensitive; if a programmer can't spell, how can s/he be
a successful programmer of XML tools?

Genuinely baffled,


   for Atom 0.3 has to be recoded for Atom 1.0, so this change has
   no real cost.
  It does – in terms of time, for putting another draft through the
 Opposed with the cost of all the spelling errors that the general public will
 make?  The cost to fix it now is marginal compared with the cost over decades
 of Atom 1.0 feeds.
 Individually these changes may not warrent a new draft, but together I think
 they warrant inclusion if, for some other reason, a new draft is drafted.
   Section 3.2.2:
The atom:uri element's content conveys an IRI associated
with the person.  Person constructs MAY contain an atom:uri
element, but MUST NOT contain more than one.  The content of
atom:uri in a Person construct MUST be an IRI reference.
   There is no reason *not* to change this to atom:id.  It is
   lazy and dangerous to have an element lie about the type of its
   content.  Furthermore, the whole point of atom:uri is the same
   as atom:id - to identify the thing they refer to (author or
   entry) - and their content is likewise identical.
  This is really a homepage link. It serves a totally different
  purpose from atom:id, and using the same term for the two would
  be dangerous.
 You might be right but then it should be named atom:homepage.  Calling it
 atom:uri is misleading.
 I guess my main complaint about Atom right now is that it feels like there is
 little consistency with regard to the name and structure of elements.  That
 makes it harder for humans to understand than it has to be.  (An important
 point I think, since humans create the software and misunderstandings often
 create the hardest bugs to work around.)
   Section 4.2.6:
  In other words, relative IRIs are forbidden and thus no
  interaction with xml:base is possible either.
 Oversight on my part.  Got it.
 Jimmy Cerra
 Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page 


Re: Author and contributor

2005-05-23 Thread Robin Cover

+1 make atom:author plural
+1 keep atom:contributor

- Robin Cover

Re: the atom:copyright element

2005-05-08 Thread Robin Cover

On Sun, 8 May 2005, Roger B. wrote:

  A rights description might talk about trademarks, registered
  trademarks, service marks, and so forth: different from copyright.

Isolating this statement creates a misrepresentation of the argument
for using the label rights.  The quoted statement is a reminder that
copyright is only ONE kind of right typically treated as
intellectual property right.

However, the more substantive argument for using the label rights is 
that users nowadays want to express an intent about permissions for
usage (particular usages, in particular usage contexts, by particular
classes of corporate entities, with particular financial restrictions,
etc), and these expression for permission fall outside the realm of 

I made a survey of the major metadata specifications in use, as well
as a number of syndication formats: most of them formally recognize the
difference between rights and copyright with respect to digital

I won't bother this Atom list with a list of such specifications/standards,
beause it's (apparently) irrelevant.  One example, might help, in case the
examples already given (Dublin Core, dc:rights etc, and Open Archive
Initiative) [1] are unclear.  A new example is IPTC's NewsML [2].

Here's a summary of NewsML followed by a summary of the NewsML 
documentation explaining why the markup language uses a 'RightsMetadata'
markup element, and not just 'copyright'

NewsML, according to the developers, is the versatile
News Markup Language for global news exchange. NewsML is
designed to provide a media-independent, structural framework
for multi-media news.

It's used by Business Wire, Reuters, and many others (e.g.,
Agence France Presse, ANA, ANSA, Japan Newspaper Publishers
 Editors Association NSK, JCN Newswire, MarketWire, PA News,
PR Newswire, SDA/ATS, The Irish Times, United Press International,
Wall Street Journal Online).

NewsML can be applied at all stages in the (electronic) news
lifecycle. Typical use would include: (1) in and between
editorial systems; (2) between news agencies and their
customers; (3) between publishers and news aggregators; (4)
and between news service providers and end users.

Hopefully, it's obvious why Atom and NewsML often appear in the
same list of technologies for news syndication.

NewsML and Atom both have markup elements for metadata;
NewsML has a few more than Atom's 15x, but the idea is the
same: there's content and metadata (about content).

In the NewsML documentation for metadata markup elements, the
distinction is made between copyrights and usage rights:
arguably, forcing all rights information into copyright
is suboptimal, as well as simply incorrect with respect to
bodies of law that govern these concepts.

NewsML documentation: [4]

4.1.1 Classes of metadata

NewsML divides the world of Metadata at the NewsComponent level
into four classes:
1) Administrative Metadata: information about a package of news
   objects, or about the creation of the content contained in or
   referenced by the constituents of the NewsComponent.
2) Descriptive Metadata: information about the content contained
   in or referenced by the constituents of the NewsComponent.
3) Rights Metadata: information about the copyrights and usage
   rights of the content contained in or referenced by the
4) Miscellaneous: other metadata...

The RightsMetadata element contains information about the
rights pertaining to the constituents of a NewsComponent, and
any relevant usage rights that have been granted by the
copyright holder to other parties.

There's the difference, as articulated by NewsML, very similar
to the markup terms used by Dublin Core, OAI-PMH, and a large
number of other syndication/metadata formats: copyright is
a narrow legal term that distinct from usage rights and other
kinds of rights that are commonly expressed for Internet resources.

 Robin: In my opinion, the only place an atom:copyright should appear
 is at the feed level,

Interesting: the Atom spec does not seem to share this point of view,
if I have read it correctly



 as an assertion of ownership of the feed
 document itself. Rights statements relating to individual entries
 should live within the content, particularly references to trademarks
 and the like.
 So I guess I'm -1 on atom:rights.
 Roger Benningfield




the atom:copyright element

2005-05-07 Thread Robin Cover

The publication of a new Implementation Guideline by the
Open Archives Initiative (OAI) compels me to suggest once
again [1], as Norm Walsh [2], Bob Wyman [3], and others have
done before, that the name 'atom:rights' would be better
than the (current) element name 'atom:copyright'.

Since this element name change is not likely to have any
secondary ramifications that would affect other areas of
the format design, it should be harmless. Using the element
name 'atom:rights', as argued below, could enhance
interoperability and avoid some unforeseen and unintended
legal implications that may emerge from use of the term

The term copyright has an established legal meaning -- or
rather, set of established legal meanings, in various
languages and jurisdictions, whereas rights is capable of
a generic meaning that extends to the rights of readers
(consumers) as well as to the rights of authors (creators). Why
should the Atom spec support the latter and not the former?

I agree with 99% of earlier list postings [0] to the effect that:
DRM is a snakepit; we don't want to come anywhere near it; DRM
patent terrorism is a scourge; rights management constructs
per se DO NOT belong in the Atom design, etc.

So, I do not advocate 'atom:rights' over 'atom:copyright' because
I want Atom to support rights management (enforcement), but
because I think using 'atom:copyright' gives privilege to the
wrong set of stakeholders, and potentially leads to a
legal mess. The label rights has no clear association with
intellectual property law(s); by its genericity, it would
allow for and support the (established) concept of IP rights
claim + prohibition against copy/reuse/CreateDerivativeWork,
which roughly == copyright, while allowing other concepts like
you're free to use this, please include some kind of
attribution for the source, thanks!

Stated otherwise, a declaration like (version -08 example)

copyrightCopyright (c) 2003, Mark Pilgrim/copyright

serves the need of an author to assert IP ownership
and to (possibly) discourage certain -- but unclear -- uses
of the embedding Atom entry/feed.  A declaration
copyright... /copyright does nothing to encourage
syndication, or to clearly communicate that the content
of an Atom feed/entry may be re-used freely, by permission.

Two other major initiatives have recognized that rights
properly belong to users/readers as well as to authors,
and have registered this opinion in the technical design of
XML markup vocabularies: the Open Archives Initiative (OAI)
[4] and Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) [5].
OAI supports a model for federated databases and
unified search engines that access archives at hundreds
of digital libraries and archive centers; DCMI's
Dublin Core metadata model has been adopted for use
in many HTML, XHTML, and XML markup applications.
Formal specifications from both organizations allow
generic rights markup elements that contain free-form
text as well as by-reference (URI) pointers to resources
that document the relevant rights -- which users are
free to consult or ignore.

I believe the Atom spec can do this similarly (and
minimally) with an 'atom:rights' element in place of
'atom:copyright'. It can do so optimally by allowing
one (optional) generic URI reference to a resource
that documents the rights statement(s) from the
creator of an Atom feed/entry.  Something non-legal,
like 'rightsDescription=URI'.

I predict that if the Atom spec does not make this
kind of accommodation to support this widely attested
requirement, multiple (incompatible) ad hoc solutions
will be invented, alongside widespread abuse of the
'atom:copyright' element.  Surely, multiple (incompatible)
ad hoc solutions will be invented ANYWAY, but providing
the basic markup construct in the Atom syntax spec would
point users in the right direction, rather than leaving
them directionless.

In making this request for WG reconsideration of the
appropriateness of the element name 'atom:copyright', I
respect the fact that the The Atom Syndication Format
specification is in last call [6], near that finish
line and onto the last lap [7].


Robin Cover
XML Cover Pages

PS [Bob Wyman,] Note that I have not referenced the
Creative Commons or (machine-readable) licenses at
all in the above. While I approve of both, I think
any such use should be a decision left to an Atom
author -- and I do not think it should be the role
of the Atom spec designers to positively *prevent* an
Atom author from referencing a machine-readable license
in an unambiguous manner if s/he wishes to do so. Surely,
enabling an Atom author to clearly declare her/his
intent is preferable to enforcing intentional prose
ambiguity through spec constraints.

== Excursus on OAI and DCMI models for rights ==

I would *NOT* recommend modeling any Atom design after
the OAI and DCMI designs, specifically, and I would *NOT*
suggest that Atom recommend any behavior with respect