Henri Sivonen scripsit:

> Is it really the best practice to use xsd:anyURI and sweep the  
> discrepancies under the rug in the hope that future definitions of  
> xsd:anyURI change the meaning of the schema later? Can xsd:anyURI be  
> augmented with a regexp pattern to restrict "spaces and a few other  
> ASCII characters" in such a way that the resulting datatype  
> restriction matches the definition of IRI? Has anyone implemented a  
> strictly correct IRI datatype in a Java datatype library (for Jing  
> and MSV)?

It's certainly possible to construct a regular expression, a long and complex
one, that will match all IRIs and only IRIs (note that "IRI" by itself
means "absolute IRI with or without fragment identifier").  The question
is whether it's really worth doing so.  If you feel you need it,
by all means go ahead.

LEAR: Dost thou call me fool, boy?      John Cowan
FOOL: All thy other titles              http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
             thou hast given away:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      That thou wast born with.         http://www.ap.org

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