On Wednesday, July 13, 2005, at 12:25  AM, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
Another might be that the aggregator asks the user on
subscription whether he/she also wants to poll the comment feed,

There's an implementation detail that should be pointed out, in case it might influence the language ultimately chosen to define this feature. Consider a real world example: I'm subscribed to Slashdot's feed. If they had a comments feed for each story, I would NOT want to subscribe to all of them...in fact, with Slashdot's volume, I'd never want to subscribe to comments, even if they had a separate feed for each entry. Okay, bad example.

Imagine a hypothetical feed with low enough volume that one might wish to subscribe to the comments on some of the main entries, but enough volume that one might not wish to subscribe to all comments. Deciding whether to subscribe to comments at the feed level would not be sufficient granularity. The user might want the option to subscribe to comments on an entry-by-entry basis. If all of the comments are in a single comments feed, then an application supporting this would need to be able to track which threads within that feed the user had expressed the wish to see. I'm not saying that's a bad idea--a feed that occasionally gets a comment or two on one of its entries would likely want to use a one comments feed for all entries approach--just pointing it out. In fact, an application that could do that could go a step further and allow the user to stop following specific threads within the comments for a particular entry.

So here are the options a user might need:
Application level:
        * Don't subscribe to all comments feeds (default)
* Subscribe to all comments feeds (DANGER! Beware of things that go bump in the night!)

Feed level:
        * Don't subscribe to all comments in this feed (default)
        * Subscribe to all comments in this feed

Entry level:
        * Don't subscribe to comments on this entry (default)
        * Subscribe to comments on this entry

Comment level:
        * Show this thread (default)
        * Don't show anything more in this thread

Turning a higher level option on turns lower ones on, but shouldn't take away the ability to turn them off.

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